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Posts Tagged with "ADP"

Arts Editor Grace Novarr attended Zoo Story, a one-act play, performed by the Sti Cazzi Players on Saturday night. 

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Amateur Jazz enthusiast and Bwog daily editor Nikita Nambiar squished herself onto a little sofa in ADP house two Thursdays ago to Listen to a Jazz set by Jon Block Quintet. The group performed as part of a bi-weekly Jazz night series organized by Coffeehaus Jam Club.

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If you have FOMO from missing a party you chose not to go to over the weekend, we gotcha covered. Shreyas Manohar (AKA, but just for that night, Sober Hero Shreyas Manohar) shares a bit of his experience at Columbia’s literary society, Alpha Delta Phi, host of a little get together in their luxurious home on […]

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In an effort to keep institutional memory alive, Bwog wants to teach you about major issues and topics at Columbia.  If there is something you would like to know more about, look it up on wikicu or email  Today, we attempt to explain why you’re not at a frat fraternity party like all your […]

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You may have heard about Bo$$ $tatu$, self-styled “rap collective” of some thirteen 2015ers; they performed live for the first time at ADP’s coffehaus last weekend. $tylized $obriquet $upporter Conor Skelding made his way into a recording session. Last Thursday night, at a quarter til’ eleven, I found myself walking the fluorescent halls of Furnald, on […]

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Around 5:30, students received a Security Alert e-mail from Dean Terry Martinez about about a robbery on 114th. While this was supposed to be a reaction to an event that occured last night, the attached flyer reported an incident that occurred last year. Public Safety confirmed that the crime that actually occurred last night (and […]

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If the movie title In Search of Good Food accurately reflects your current state of being, you may want to amble over to ADP at 7:30pm for a potluck meal and a screening of the movie (which is about the burgeoning sustainable food movement in California). After the culmination of the search, there will be […]

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According to a tipster, two laptops were just stolen from ADP on 114th St. Public Safety and the NYPD are on the scene. This is the third incident in as many days, but there is no evidence that they are related. The laptops were stolen during a rush event. Members of ADP saw strangers in […]

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There’s been lots of talk about Barnard and Greek Life recently. We’re kind of confused, so we figured you would be, too. Basically, SGA is trying to figure out whether SGA/the Barnard administration should formally recognize (and therefore fund) the umbrella organizations that oversee the sororities, as well as the sororities themselves. We checked in […]

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That is great, fresh-faced, American school spirit you’re flying there… ΑΔΦ. Didn’t it used to be a slightly less patriotic jolly roger?  Bwog ran into ADP’s house manager on the street, who could not explain the change in flag, but suspects it may be temporary.

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It’s been a long time since Bwog last checked in with the kids of Exclusion Suite, this year’s answer to the campy and wonderful Gates. Episode two was released mid-May, but Bwog, in our efforts to escape the offensively unfriendly heat, just got around to watching it. Exclusion Suite episode two begins with an acoustic […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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