For all the singles out there who want more.

The most dreaded day of the year for those like me:

February 14th, Valentine’s Day—

Otherwise known as

Single Awareness Day.

I sit and watch others as they

Hold hands, make out, and plan cute dates with others.

But I have none of that; instead, I sit,

Contemplating my existence, all alone in Butler.

I do not even need a significant other or soulmate; 

All I ask for is a pookie,

A little boo-thang,

A cutie that I can hit up when the need arises.

Despite my frustration, I am happy for those 

Who suffer not from this epidemic

Of loneliness. 

May the odds be ever in your favor.

It would truly be a shame

If my frustration and jealousy invaded relationships, 

A manifestation of envy whose objective is

Dismantling what I do not have.

Sorry—my thoughts got ahead of me. 

I wish my dreams won out, and my days 

Were filled with fantasies of the one I am waiting for,

The one who will end my drought and blow my back out.

Perhaps, just maybe, this Valentine’s Day will be different—it is still early, after all.

Image via Wikimedia Commons