Last night on Twitter, fueled mostly by being lonely in Butler, Bwog decided to try a contest:
Tweet us your cleverest Columbia-related government shutdown joke and maybe we'll give the writer of the best one a prize
— Bwog (@bwog) October 1, 2013
Since then we’ve decided that, yes, we will give a prize to the funniest author. Vote for your favorite at the end of the post. We’ll leave the poll open for 24 hours and the winner by 9:30 tomorrow night will win a Milano sandwich.
Read on for the submissions and vote for your favorite:
@ChayenneMia: Studying for my psych exam and all the words in my textbook have just become gibberish. Coincidence? #governmentshutdown @bwog
@petersterne*: .@bwog Maybe now Obama will have time to stop by his alma mater.
@tclick10: @bwog PrezBo just sent out the email that classes are canceled due to the shut down
@labuzamovies: @bwog Now the rest of the country will know what it’s been like to be a Columbia student.
@yosoymichael: @bwog joke: im going 2 class tomorrow bc it’s not cancelled
@tylerthinksthis: @bwog With the government shut down, can we buy caffeinated Four Loko?
@Butler_209: Today marks an important day in history: while the US government can shut down, Butler 209 never will #In209WeTrust cc: @bwog
@FroRow: Hobbes be like “DROP THE MIC.” @bwog
Who had the funniest?
- FroRow (24%, 74 Votes)
- petersterne (21%, 64 Votes)
- labuzamovies (19%, 59 Votes)
- Butler_209 (14%, 43 Votes)
- tclick10 (11%, 33 Votes)
- tylerthinksthis (7%, 23 Votes)
- ChayenneMia (3%, 8 Votes)
- yosoymichael (3%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 312

*Disclaimer: Peter is an Editor Emeritus at Bwog, but is now happily employed elsewhere. Since you guys are voting on this (and not us) we’re letting his submission in.
@Late Submission? If this government shutdown goes for more than a week, my father, and countless other parents helping their kids pay for college, will not be able to make their monthly tuition payments and still pay for gas and food! #CUGovtShutdown
@Anonymous Can Peter Sterne stop fucking twitter whoring and get on with his life outside CU pls?
@i think he’s still a student
@Yep 2014 FTW
@Anonymous We need to shut-down all the grant-grubbing obama-making professulas!!!
Those grants rape the taxpayers with sedition!
@Jack Peter for sure!
@Pumpkin Spice Everything This is the best Columbia can come up with?
Might as well ask us to choose between a shit sandwich and licking a used razor.
@Chayenne Awkward…didn’t know this was going into a post… Feel free to follow for more spectacularly unfunny tweets y’all. -___-
@Obama tclick10 cuz look at the picture link
@Chayenne My vote is for @tclick10 too.
@Fuck yeah Peter