Yesterday, a Missouri zookeeper was crushed to death by an elephant while conducting routine zoo activities. (ABC)
This may be the most horrific thing you will read all week. We hope. (CNN)
A cyclone touching down on India’s East coast has displaced hundreds of of thousands. Luckily, no deaths or injuries have been reported so far. (NPR)
In more pleasant news, this week, Alice Munro became the first short story writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. (NYT)
And while Malala Yousafzai didn’t win the Nobel Peace Prize, let’s just be glad that all the Nobel talk brought this ridiculously graceful and cherubic teenager back onto the world stage. (Washington Post)
Distressed woman with tissue via ShutterStock
@Adrian Peterson You can take the hoodrat out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the hoodrat.
@that up there was suppposed to read we love malala
@we .
@Alum Two of the new Nobelists are former CU faculty, including one who is still here part time. Two others are former visiting faculty. Some Columbians are also in the running for the economics prize, which will be announced Monday.