Despite the apparent apathy of the general studies students, the GS flagpole went up in front of Lewisohn earlier this week. It’s intended to help integrate general studies students with the rest of the undergraduates…somehow. There’s supposed to be a flag-raising ceremony sometime later this week, according to Spec.
The finishing touches
@TheCretansCloningAndFeeding Run it up the flag pole and see
Who salutes,
But no one ever does
@Anonymous Fool! You have no idea which these obamamakers are flying!
@GS '14 The flag is a big fucking deal for some of us. Great photo, Bwog!
@Can't resist I guess they’re literally running this idea up the flag pole.
@Anonymous Where’s the SEAS Flag in front of Hartley / Admissions Office?
@Anonymous The SEAS flag is in front of Mudd…the engineering building
@Anonymous that’s the college campus, so it isn’t there.
Nice try, Tim
@Fuck the flagpole We don’t need no stiking flagpole.