This past weekend (post-Bacchanal) was Columbia’s first Days On Campus session. Hundreds of prospective students (aka “prospies”) flooded campus, wandering around like lost puppies in search of alcohol. Over the course of their 24 hour stay, we were asked quite some interesting questions. Here are a few of the most popular, as well as their answers. @PROSPIES: READ ON FOR THE ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE MOST OBSCURE, PERSONAL QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT COLUMBIA.
Wait, you’re gay, right? …So how’s LGBT life on campus?
Yes, I am gay. So is everyone else. Being LGBT at Columbia is both empowering and confusing (because assuming someone’s sexuality when you start to hit on them can be an awkward moment for both of y’all). That being said, the Columbia community is extremely supportive of its LGBT students. Located on 114th street, Q House is a special interest living community for anyone who identifies as queer. Also, the Columbia administration recently announced that starting in the fall, there will be a space in Lerner dedicated especially to LGBT students and students of color. Oh, yeah, and there’s a gay bar on the corner of 109th and Amsterdam.
What’s the reputation of each freshman dorm?
Carman is the party dorm. John Jay is lots of singles for fun people who still ike privacy. Hartley and Wallach are decently quiet and are usually full of mysterious people. Furnald is quiet.
What’s the best place for a late night snack?
Tom’s Diner on 112th and Broadway is open until 1 am on weekdays and 24 hours Friday and Saturday. Morton Williams on 115th and Broadway is open 24 hours, as well as West Side Market on 110th and Broadway. Halal carts are also always a stable option.
What are the parties like on campus?
On a typical Friday night, you can usually find at least two or three different frat houses throwing down. These parties are always a solid freshman go-to. But honestly they pretty much stop being fun once you realize there’s about 10 people on this campus and you know every one of them. If frats aren’t your scene, you can always throw yourself your own little wine and cheese and Netflix night. My personal favorite, however, is hitting up the local campus bars. Mel’s Burger Bar on 111th and Broadway, The Heights on 111th and Broadway, and 1020 on 110th and Amsterdam and the usuals. As for going downtown, groups of friends make the trip every once in awhile. The bars and clubs tend to not only be more expensive than MoHi bars but they’re also much stricter on IDs.
What’s the dating scene like for a woman of color at a predominantly white university?
It’s actually great. While Columbia’s unofficial color may be white, relative to other Ivy League universities, we’re actually pretty diverse. Everyone (/most people) are open to everything. There’s no stigma related to dating black women (standards of beauty, preference for same-race relationships) and even if there were, Columbia is large enough to where you can find the person who’s right for you.
How much does the Core suck?
A reasonable amount. There’s definitely SO much to learn, and the bonds you make in those yearlong classes (lit hum, CC) are irreplaceable. That being said, being forced to take Frontiers of Science as a purely humanities oriented gal… is the worst.
Should I get a fake ID?
Image via Columbia NSOP
@What’s the best place for a late night snack? Why would you mention grocery stores and Toms and not even hint at the two most popular drunk food options on campus (among everyone I know, anyway): HAMDEL AND KORONETS?!?!
@Not that Spec is any better but “While Columbia’s unofficial color may be white, relative to other Ivy League universities, we’re actually pretty diverse. Everyone (/most people) are open to everything. There’s no stigma related to dating black women.” Are you fucking kidding? This site is trash