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Posts Tagged with "days on campus"

Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid Jessica Marinaccio announced that Columbia will be canceling Days on Campus due to “evolving information about COVID-19” in an email to admitted students Friday afternoon. 

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Columbia students recently received an impassioned plea from Associate Director of Residential Life Scott D. Helfrich begging them to open their hearts and rooms to prospective students. ResLife still needs 100 more hosts for Days on Campus and Perspectives on Diversity. But have no fear, Associate Director Helfrich! Bwog has plenty of ways to incentivize […]

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This past weekend (post-Bacchanal) was Columbia’s first Days On Campus session. Hundreds of prospective students (aka “prospies”) flooded campus, wandering around like lost puppies in search of alcohol. Over the course of their 24 hour stay, we were asked quite some interesting questions. Here are a few of the most popular, as well as their […]

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Good morning, Columbia! How was your Bacchanal? Did you get CAVA’d? Did you darty? Did you even fucking survive? Luckily, campus recovered in time for Days on Campus! Time to check out what’s going down today! Happening in the nation: Trump has officially taken is 16th trip to a golf course during his presidency. That’s it. […]

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How do you introduce yourself to the people with whom you might spend the next four years of your life? Act as normal as possible. Be cool. Don’t stand out too much, but make sure you stand out just enough. Who are these prospies, who want friends so badly but won’t risk embarrassing themselves in the baby stages? […]

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What’s better than writing about how much you love Columbia for your admissions essay? Actually being at Columbia, and living that love. It’s Days on Campus (again) this weekend, and Bwog has all the tips and tricks for both the already committed and the still-deciding prospies alike. (And if this guide doesn’t convince the latter, […]

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We get it–maybe you first fell for your prospie when you saw him carrying an ugly armchair you found on the street up four flights of stairs to your room, or maybe it was when you looked into her big blue eyes over fries at JJ’s. Though Days on Campus is over for the semester, check […]

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Trigger warning for discussion of rape and sexual assault. Tonight, beginning around 8 pm, No Red Tape staged a protest on the Low steps. They projected messages such as “Rape Happens Here” on the facade of Low, and also had members holding large, similarly-messaged signs. Public Safety officers inside Low, at immediate sight of the […]

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Although the Varsity Show has traditionally been a highlight of prospies’ Days on Campus experience, this year, none of V121 will be performed.  This came after the Office of Admissions deemed some scenes “too mature” for prospective students, claiming that much of the satire would be lost on students who have yet to experience Columbia […]

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One staffer’s prospie loves Bwog so much that he even decided to come to one of our meetings. We liked him, and thought we’d ask if he wanted to write an article about his experiences at Perspectives on Diversity and Days on Campus. So, continuing this year’s trend of posting about the pre-frosh, Evan Morris, […]

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Now that Bacchanal is over we feel it is our duty to tell you all the other things that have happened.  The following is a collection random snippets, photos and tips that we’ve received over the past few days.Oh, and then there are those prospies and their shenanigans.  Prospies make people not so prosperous: “Two […]

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Robert Hornsby, Associate VP of Media Relations of Columbia, sent out the following university statement regarding No Red Tape at Days on Campus this past weekend. He notes Columbia’s commitment to “protecting the rights of all in our community to express their views,” but that, more practically, No Red Tape was blocking an entryway and not […]

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Last weekend was Days on Campus, and the campus movement No Red Tape took advantage of the heightened publicity to hand out fliers to pre-frosh. Chief Staff Writer Julia Goodman brings you her opinion on the pseudo-protest and student body reaction to it. This weekend, during the first Days on Campus, protestors from No Red […]

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Days on Campus begins today and we all know what that means: a million lost-looking new faces. Because everyone is out to make a good first impression, we’ve complied tips for both prospies and hosts to create a surefire lasting bond. Tips for prospies: Talk about how you already know all the clubs you want […]

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As you all know, the day prospies leave campus after DoC is the happiest saddest day of the year. So in an attempt to wish them a proper goodbye and hopefully bring them back in September, we braved the seven seas of Butler and asked the locals for some advice to prospies. Here’s what we […]

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