Though clearly not all celebrities have the starpower of Scarlett or DMX, we still like to note when celebrities, especially cool ones, end up on campus. So, here’s Bwog contributor Brendan Ballou’s anecdote from yesterday:
“David Byrne was just on campus!… He was wearing a black suit, white yellow shoes, and a tiny yellow backpack. Plus he had the really intense David Byrne stare and hair.”
And his explanation for his silence:
“…I think the absolute only thing I could do is sort of nod and nonchalantly walk away. And even that would only work if I was a beautiful woman with a cigarette.”
@Giulia Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL man.
I must admit I have had more than one chance to talk to him (having run into him at several concerts throughout the city), and all I could do was stare and stutter and think about how much I wanted to have his babies…
@wtf omg blt I would have talked to him, but I have a fear of music. besides, something like that only happens once in a lifetime. I Zimbra.
p.s.: the color I’m supposed to describe for this post isn’t really yellow. It’s more marigold.
@suv rjt, I love that you measured love’s volume through force – It makes me want to copy the letters after your initials and make them my own
@rjt Feel free to steal it, it is not my creation (and not Ryan North’s either, apparently):
@talking heads for the next campus concert!
@rjt I love this man so hard.
@byrne was probably checking out buildings and eating food
@Byrne has been kicking around the city all day — he was at a DOT bike rally thing this morning, according to Streetsblog: