If anyone catches a picture of the Avery bedbugs, email us at tips@bwog.com.
Finals. Finals, finals, finals. Where everyone is sleep deprived, you’re behind on at least five assignments, and your next exam is in three hours. To get you through this incredibly grim time, here are some of the silliest things Bwog saw on campus this week.
WHERE IS MY REDBULL!! Me and your mom when we Fuck, sorry, I have to pick up my Sweetgreen.
Mmmmmm, the perfect little study drink. Y’all ever had a stranger put a plunger in your toilet? No? 2Girls1Snack: straight up mustard.
Birthday girl is turning 6!!!!! Her name is Mini Millie and she is a Barnard student and she is wonderful. Butler sleepover, anyone? Sink grapes. A Bwog fave! :( Fagioli Past, Fagioli Present, Fagioli Future
Future via DeviantArt and Pasta Fagioli via Flickr
DNOTS via Bwog Staff