Thank you for everything you’ve given me.

You know how some people will go crazy for the Sunday dino nuggets at JJ’s? Or the (now rare) Faculty House salmon? My thing is watermelon—specifically Hewitt’s. Don’t get me wrong, I hate that Hewitt only ever serves the same four things as much as the next person, but at least their repetitiveness comes in handy with watermelon. It’s there every. Single. Day. I see it more often than I see my friends…

When I have a bad day, my watermelon’s there;
When I can get nowhere near an A on that test, my watermelon’s there;
When they’re serving meatballs for the third night in a row,
My watermelon’s there, and I know;
When I didn’t do my readings for that day, my watermelon’s there;
When I haven’t had a minute to rest, my watermelon’s there
When I’m feeling high and when I’m feeling low,
My watermelon’s there, and I know.

Everyone has their poison and mine is that ripe, juicy Hewitt watermelon. Choose yours carefully, kids.

Image via Flickr