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Posts Tagged with "hewitt"

If you want a single near campus, Hewitt may be the option for you!

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And you get a plate! And you get a plate! And YOU get a plate! Hewitt’s plate infinity loop, explained (sort of).

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A case study on the Hewitt coffee machine chemicals and/or microplastics by Viviana Pereyo and Gina Brown

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Join me as I reminisce on an unexpected holiday meal.

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At this week’s SGA meeting, Barnard Dining covered many pressing topics concerning students’ dining needs.

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Indoor dining at Hewitt, the Diana Center Cafe, and Liz’s Place will be unavailable for an initial two-week period starting Saturday, September 25.

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The crown jewel of the Barnard campus — home of the most luxurious brunches, the tallest tables, and the liveliest playlist of any dining hall. Staff writer Julia Tolda brings you the crèmè de la crèmè of Hewitt Food Hall music.

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If Bon Appétit’s test kitchen chefs were students at Columbia University, which would be their favorite dining halls?

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These aren’t your average blue-foil wrapped, dry, sugar-brick Rice Krispie Treats. These Kwispie Tweats are gooey, fluffy, and sure to be a hit at your next Futter Field lounging sesh. Best of all, they’re no-fuss and absurdly versatile. Veganfy them! Kosherfy them! Halalify them! Minimal skill level required.  

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On May 3, in the Barnard administration’s annual “tuition and fees” update email, COO Robert Goldberg and (soon-to-be-departing) Dean of the College Avis Hinkson informed students that there would be “several important changes” to Barnard’s meal plan. These changes, the email read, “resulted from discussions with students” and were purportedly intended to “address the issue […]

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It’s been weeks – maybe even months. I still remember the first time I saw you. It was in early fall. I hadn’t eaten at Hewitt since NSOP (I, a bright-eyed young first-year, was still exploring everything Columbia Dining has to offer) and I didn’t miss it. It was still warm out; I was sitting […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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