No more fun for Physics majors anymore.

Despite just days ago the Columbia College Bulletin claiming physics majors study videogames, the Physics Department decided to scrap the rebrand. In a once-again unexpected decision, the department will now center its Physics Department curriculum entirely on Physics. To Bwog’s most recent records, the change was updated on the website as recent as October 12, only two days after we reported on it.

Physics majors are now left wondering, “What?” and “I didn’t even know it changed in the first place.” This shocking turn of events was marked by an official statement to Bwog from an employee of the Physics Department, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, that never happened. We don’t make mistakes.”

The employee later clarified, “I don’t know who even talked to you in the first place,” when asked about the initial source. 

The new curriculum will now be a form of “rigorous preparation in intellectual developments of modern physics.” According to a student poll, 93% of students agreed that “The major sounds boring now.” 

The original representative is no longer at Columbia to make a statement.

Columbia College Bulletin Physics Department’s Webpage as of 9:56 am on October 15, 2024:

The Study of Physics 

The physics major offers a rigorous preparation in the intellectual developments of modern physics, along with extensive exposure to the mathematical and experimental techniques required to conduct basic and applied research in physics. For the major, the department offers a set of required courses well-suited to prepare students for the most rigorous course of graduate study. These can be supplemented by elective courses in a variety of advanced topics. Although most majors go on to graduate work in physics, the intellectual skills acquired in the study of physics can also provide the basis for work in a variety of other scientific and nonscientific areas. 

Research is an extremely important component of the Columbia physics experience. Because the department has a very small student-to-faculty ratio, essentially all physics majors and concentrators engage in experimental, computational, or theoretical research under the close supervision of a faculty member during part, if not all, of their time at Columbia.

Current programs of study include:
The Physics major
The Astrophysics major
The Biophysics major
The Chemical Physics major

As of Fall 2024, the Department does not offer a Minor in Physics, however, a Minor will likely be introduced for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Physics Department via Columbia College Bulletin