The swirling storm of shit due to descend upon our fair university sometime tomorrow morning is predictably picking up steam. Current editor David Feith and Giuliani supporter Jordan Hirsch sure have a strong opinion on things, while conservative twit William Kristol has a rather novel idea for protesting the Iranian president. That guy who led that MEALAC thing a couple years ago has some harsh words of his own, while a columnist for Haaretz takes the somewhat counterintuitive stance that Ahmadinejad helps Israeli security. As for the afformentioned “neo-Haman nemesis”–he was left Iran in style and will arrive in New York later toady.
The darker corners of the internet are also abuzz with Ahmadinejad-related hackery. A Facebook boycott of fair Alma seems to be picking up steam, although Bwog isn’t sure why Eastern Michigan should have beef with us.
Back on campus things are moving fast. Representatives of LionPAC attempted to get CCAW and other non-Coalition groups to join Monday’s rally at a noontime meeting–an informer characterized negotiations as “tense,” and tells us that Amnesty International definitely won’t be joining the coalition.
But while you wait, reflect on how the goons over at Somethingawful made a perfect video on the Ahmadineamess–three years ago.
@Whatever. I’m still fond of this line:
“The swirling storm of shit due to descend upon our fair university sometime tomorrow morning is predictably picking up steam.”
@"swirling shit" Gee, I wonder what the author of this post thinks about Ahmadinejad’s visit… Well, if only David Feith, Jordan Hirsch, and that “twit” William Kristol stay away from campus tomorrow morning, this campus will surely not be tarnished.
@so then by “picking up steam,” you mean “holding steady at six members,” right?
@sorry “that” website = the facebook group advocating some sort of ridiculous “boycotting” of Columbia.
@dude! When you check that website, you see this opening sentence:
“Columbia University has crossed it’s boundaries when it announced that it will allow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (President of Iran) to address the student body…”
Maybe the student who started this group should worry more about his or her own school and “it’s” academic worth…
(Fine. I’m elitist. So sue me.)
@The Dink Yo the link to somethingawful goes a truly terrible video about dracula. maybe its a joke i dont get because im not very smart, or maybe the link is wrong.
@ARR Just pretend that instead of saying “Dracula” they’re saying “Ahmadinejad.”