A group of first-years (who have collectively named themselves Floor 7 Productions) recently submitted their short film Waking Up and Other Hardships to Apple’s ’07 Insomnia Festival, in which high school and college student groups create their own three minutes of brilliance in under 24 hours based on a set of pre-listed elements. See if you can spot them for yourselves — although it may be a bit difficult to rationally explain the huge oven mits.
You can rate the film until November 9th to help the group win gain their eternal glory, so go! Vote! This is probably the right weekend to do it, anyway.
@I don't get it Why was this special again? Do I have to be an indie-aficionado to get it, or is it actually good?
@Agreed, the entry linked to by #5 trumps the posted one in pretty much every way… and no, I’m not them, either.
@Spelling/grammar guy “See if you can spot them for yourselves — although it may be a bit difficult to rationally explain the huge oven mits.”
Come ON, Bwog…the correct shorthand for “mittens” is “mitts”.
@where exactly was the tux? you can’t just throw on a white shirt and black suit coat and call it a tuxedo…
@hey i really liked the one some seas senior made…and no, i’m not him
@Uh...no. You’re whiny and you talk too much.
@VOTE FOR THIS ONE!!! http://edcommunity.apple.com/insomnia_fall07/item.php?itemID=652
This is sooo much better
@rjt Okay, yeah, I liked the oven mitt one, but #5 is hilarious.
@nicely done it is actually a pretty great short film.
but how did he wipe his ass and not get shit all over his gloves?
@cute That’s actually quite creative and not the callowness I expected. Props!
@rdfgfj thats pretty good, nice job guys
@oh sad i live on the 7th floor of john jay, so i expected it to be made by my floormates. sadly no. still its fun!
@probs floor 7 carman. just a guess.
@Also, considering that it was a Carman room, I’m gonna go out on the limb that #7 is on and say Carman 7.
Also, #9 beat me to it, but yeah…a black jacket, dress slacks, and a white dress shirt do not a tuxedo make.