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Posts Tagged with "filming on campus"

On Monday afternoon, Arts Editor Isa RingswaldEgan sat down with student filmmaker,  Trevor Siegel (CC ‘24), and student musician who scored the film, Terry Foley (GS ‘24), to discuss their new movie musical, Explaining Elizabeth.

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Film Crew on Campus

Multiple tipsters have spotted a film crew on campus, complete with a fake Greek cart, costume racks, tech equipment, and lots of crew chairs. Supposedly they’re filming a TV show called “Black Box.” Let us know if you have any more info, especially about celebs, by sending tips to! Update (10:28AM): Tipster alerted Bwog […]

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Yesterday, Bwog saw a film crew from Blue Chip Films shooting a group of football players. According to the two guys manning an expensive-looking RED camera, they were making a promo for Columbia’s football team. (Other Blue Chip clients include Starbucks, AT&T, Trojan condoms, and Kidz Bop.) Stalker photos via Kevin Chen

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Christopher Julius Rock III, that is. Numerous tipsters have told us that the comedian was filming a movie at Columbia. The movie, Finally Famous, also stars Kevin Hart and Rosario Dawson, but we haven’t seen either of them on campus yet.

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Oh, the perks of living in New York City! An FX show called “The Americans” is filming on Amsterdam in front of the Italian Academy. If you’re in the area, be sure to take a gander.

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There is filming for a movie purportedly called “The Green Inferno” by Math. Film equipment is by Dodge. Check it out, kids.

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There is filming going on today in the famed Havemeyer 309 and the building’s lobby for an upcoming TV series called Zero Hour.  A tipster sent in this picture:

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Fans of middling summer television will be whelmed to see episodes of Royal Pains being filmed right outside of Carman Hall. The show, which typically does not film in New York City, follows a concierge medicine business in the Hamptons (episodes air on USA, on Wednesdays at 9 pm; can we have our money now?). Overheard off […]

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During filming, a Bwogger approached a GG tech person and asked which characters were coming to Barnard. “None of them,” the tech-lady replied. “We’re just pretending they go to Columbia.” UPDATE: More pictures from the filming, this time of Serena (!) thanks to the quick lenswork of Elissa Mendez-Renk:

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There was a flurry of film crews on and around campus this week, and it looks like some of them are here to stay. So look pretty out there, people… you could wind up in a movie! Top Left: Film crew setting up shooting for Premium Rush starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. No signs of the man […]

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The beautiful people of Gossip Girl have returned to campus. The cast and crew are set up and shooting on 116th near Claremont, and tipsters are abuzz with sightings of “good ol’ Blair Waldorf” (who, we might suggest, looks like a yellow Carmen Sandiego) and “Lacrosse Hottie and Actor-Extrodinare Chase Crawford” giving “a performance for […]

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Now’s your chance to indulge your inner Garbo. Columbia University Film Productions needs extras tonight for a scene in its project, “Serotonin.” Fortunately, since extras will be playing students, there’s no need to go all Dustin Hoffman on CUFP. Just show up wearing normal student clothes (anything from the Gap family of brands will do) […]

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Independent reports and Bwog tipsters have told us (xoxo) that the CW show/fashion plate “Gossip Girl” is currently filming near “Earl Hall.” For those of you hoping to catch some spoilers, the popular show is apparently only filming “exterior shots,” which normally do not include cast members. Still, it could include some B-roll footage of […]

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A group of first-years (who have collectively named themselves Floor 7 Productions) recently submitted their short film Waking Up and Other Hardships to Apple’s ’07 Insomnia Festival, in which high school and college student groups create their own three minutes of brilliance in under 24 hours based on a set of pre-listed elements. See if […]

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Earlier this week, Riverside Church passed around this undoubtedly urgent security bulletin: “Just a heads up: Incredible Productions, LLC. — are the producers of the film ‘The Hulk’—due out 2008. They will be flying a helicopter around the Riverside Church Tower (500 feet minimum distance—FAA standard) to shoot footage for the film. Please note the […]

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