kissIt may not have equaled the original Big Kiss — or even Big Kiss II — but the Queer Alliance and QuAM’s today’s Kiss-In got its point across.

“When we’re organizing around sexual identity and you say we’re talking too much about sex — it’s ridiculous!” said Activism and Service Chair Peter Gallotta, spreading his hands wide. He was referring to Spectators editorial yesterday that faulted Queer Awareness Month for emphasizing revelry over education.

At the appointed moment, about 20 assembled members joined in slightly awkward group embraces, with one couple making out passionately under the Spectator’s shingle.

“I think it’s just an internalized, not even conscious at this point, ignorance,” said David Papas. “I think they fail to understand the tone, and just plain bias, in that article.”

Do you see that bias reflected in the rest of the paper’s coverage? Bwog wanted to know. “To be honest, I don’t really read super-much of Spectator,” Papas conceded.

kiss2“It trivializes a lot of the outreach work Spec has done,” Gallotta added. “Our relationship is a little bit tenuous.”

The event elicited confused glances from passersby, but positive reactions from those who asked what they were protesting.

“They call y’all queers? That’s some shit,” said a lady walking by. “This is love, baby.”

