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Posts Tagged with "modern love"

Good things DO come out of First-Year Writing!

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A story of random roommates and normal people.

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On lesbian feminist architecture and tea kettles.

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Our next segment of Modern Love transports us to the hallowed halls of Pupin.

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Our next segment of Barnumbia Modern Love comes to you thanks to notes in class and bold leaps of faith.

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Our first segment of Barnumbia Modern Love is the cutest elevator meet-cute. Submit your story to our series here!

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Feeling unlucky in love. Trust me. You probably aren’t the only one. Let’s be unlucky (and loving) together.

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In these times of trial and tribulation, we could all use a little lovin’— and a new service backed by Senior Week hopes to fulfill your long-overdue fantasies of commitment-less sexual encounters via the Internet! CUScramble allows anyone with a UNI (not just class of 2013!) to submit up to 13 UNIs of Columbians they always wanted […]

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Update, 12:12pm: Multiple tipsters have spotted filming on 116th as well. New TV show Modern Love is filming a pilot on 113th St. this morning. Last night, all the cars remaining on the street were being ticketed, and most likely towed. The show seems to be something like Sex and the City meets the New […]

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Love is in the air! Just look around you—sometimes you have to squint a little, but there’s magic in the minutiae. On  116th and Broadway: Girl: So do you love me or not? Guy: Right now I just have to take a massive dump. Coming out of a girls’ bathroom: Guy: I don’t understand what […]

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Not one, but two separate bridal parties were assembled on Low Step this afternoon. Bwog sends its best wishes to both couples. Let’s hope these “Love[s] at CU” turn out more successful than that other kind. More photos after the jump.

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It�s coming. Young love, sappiness, stuffed animals, adorable couples, flowers, and pink. And (mercifully) lots of chocolate. Yes, Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Are you one of those adorable couples who sincerely enjoy the festivities because you blend in with the sickening adorable-ness of it all? Do you want the world to benefit from […]

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It may not have equaled the original Big Kiss — or even Big Kiss II — but the Queer Alliance and QuAM’s today’s Kiss-In got its point across. “When we’re organizing around sexual identity and you say we’re talking too much about sex — it’s ridiculous!” said Activism and Service Chair Peter Gallotta, spreading his […]

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Got a flair for writing narcissistic melodrama? The New York Times’ Modern Love is looking for college-age students to write about “what love is now.” Sample response provided by website: “I’m this century’s answer to the last-minute prom date: the gay best friend.” Ooh, edgy! Zeitgeist-y! So get to work, tortured yet insightful essayists. Winner […]

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The internets are afire with talk of this weekend’s “Modern Love” column in the NY Times, authored by one Ashley Cross, a reputed student at our very own university. The mysterious Ms. Cross, who could not be located by Facebook, Columbia directory, or truly thorough Googling (unless she happens to own this site), has come […]

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