Attention Columbia detizens of the twittersphere (tweetcosystem?)! Columbia’s Center for Student Advising is currently holding a twitter contest in which students are challenged to summarize their life in six words or less. The winner of the contest, to be selected “randomly from the most creative entries” at noon tomorrow, will nab an iPod shuffle. Submissions so far range form vaguely inspirational banalities to overtly aggressive jabs at CSA. You check out a feed of all the tweets here. Here’s a list of our favorite entries so far:
- @TareqAbuissa Tareq Abuissa: Six classes. Two jobs. Halal everyday.
- @KnittingSparrow Charline Tetiyevsky: Here’s my entry: Thanks for fucking up my schedule!
- @BeanerFresh Ricky Coria: sleeping feels like i’m only napping
- @clyattriot Jasper L. Clyatt: Dang I want that iPod Shuffle
- @zhanghenglai Henry Zhang: Donating my first million to HamDel.
- @zelevine Zach Levine: i still, still haven’t seen “avatar”
Visual metaphor via wikimedia.
@richard Zach Levine. Survived haircut wars with a good attitude.
@Anonymous Go Tareq!!!
@Anonymous Tareq! Charlene! Jasper! Cool kids.
@Anonymous Zach Levine.