Another blog has discovered our friend Sarah Dooley. Yes, her character is a lot like Michael Scott, but so much cuter!
A Columbia grad student played in that intertubes-inspired concert at Carnegie Hall: “I haven’t hardly played at all.”
Drought in Africa: yes, it could happen, and it’s happened before: “startling.”
Ever wonder what happens in that underground lab by Avery? It’s the behavioral labs for the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions. A reporter discloses the horrors within.
Studying at a university that crushes your self-esteem, remind yourself now and again that you have skills. It’ll raise your grades by one third of a grade. Hopefully. Maybe.
The J-School, with PrezBo’s impetus, is leading the way in adapting its curriculum to the post-print world. In love with newsprint? First, learn Photoshop.
The world’s largest collection of pop music is now available for your perusal at a library near you. Hopefully, most of it is pre-Britney.
News flash: Ivy League tuition is expensive. So we’ve signed up for a government supplement fund to help GI’s complete their education here.
@When Billo and Hannity and Coulter and the like call us left-wing liberal unpatriotic Jihadists, someone please tell them about the GI-supplement.
@masochist I kind of enjoy Fox News’s constant nonsense about us, in part because I know some of my acquaintances back home are are watching it and thinking about how I’ll come back as a pinko-commie/eastcoastliberal/socialist/gay-loving/iranian/americahatin’/etc…
needless to say, i have a lot to live up to when I go home.