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Posts Tagged with "grades"

In emails sent out to students on Friday evening, the deans of CC, GS, SEAS, and Barnard outlined possible next steps for students in classes affected by the strike to receive credit for the Fall 2021 semester.

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Heard enough of the word “transparency” yet? We don’t think so! Many Columbians (apparently) have long been calling for more transparency in the grading system. CULPA’s vague and biased info on grading policies is just not enough. Although A-range percentages for classes are available to employers through Columbia transcripts, information isn’t available to students prior to […]

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Bwog is still waiting on a few grades, and judging by the comments, you are too. But it might not be entirely your professor’s fault: according to an email sent out to 1007 students by Prof. John Kender, Columbia’s grading system is more than 30 years old. Columbia processes grades by using a system that […]

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We’re not sure about you, but Bwog woke up this morning thinking 2013 would be different. We had high hopes that everything we wanted would come with this new year and all our wishes would be fulfilled. And then we checked SSOL, and grades were still missing. 2013 has come, and nothing has changed. In […]

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CCSC deliberates. Brian Wagner reports. The council once again discussed a streamlined, multi-council uniform cosponsorship committee after hearing presentations from the treasurers of the three other student councils, which have all passed the measure. The proposed committee would cut a lot of red tape, saving the sanity of councils and applicants alike. CCSC proposed a revised resolution. The Council […]

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From the largest interdisciplinary fortress to the tiniest of urban meadows, no news is irrelevant. It’s about the bigger picture. A broken chain has been spotted on Low Plaza, trespass while you can! There is construction going on outside Nussbaum & Wu, so there is no outside seating (perhaps irrelevant in these current climes) Butler […]

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Grades are in early, because  The College Sustainability Report Card is out!  From their press release: Released today, the publication is the only independent evaluation of sustainability in campus operations and endowment practices. Assessing each institution in nine categories, ranging from Climate Change & Energy to Green Building to Investment Priorities, the Report Card provides detailed […]

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Another blog has discovered our friend Sarah Dooley.  Yes, her character is a lot like Michael Scott, but so much cuter! A Columbia grad student played in that intertubes-inspired concert at Carnegie Hall: “I haven’t hardly played at all.” Drought in Africa: yes, it could happen, and it’s happened before: “startling.” Ever wonder what happens […]

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The Naughty List

Hey there! Merry Christmas to you. Many of you, like many of us, were expecting a special gift by today: fall semester’s grades. And many of you, like many of us, are without said grades. So, we’ve begun to compile a list of professors who have yet to upload your final marks. Use the comment […]

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A reminder to all considering passing/failing/or getting a D: The new system will allow you to “uncover”a grade. This means that if you receive a C- or higher, you will be allowed to keep that grade on your transcript instead of the “pass.” (Ds and “fails” will remain as such). Make sure to register to […]

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Wednesday, sustainability day was going to be “dedicated to encouraging and promoting Columbia’s recent environmental stewardship initiatives and pressuring them to do even more,” complete with such accoutrements as a mountain of trash, a PrezBo speech, and giant displays. Unfortunately, it rained. Sustainability day will be rescheduled! Well, the rain didn’t stop Columbia’s sustainability report […]

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Bwog yawns itself querulously out of hibernation for the first post of the year 2007. There’s this one bothersome blank spot on our SSOL grades report between our C+ in Principles of Economics and our B- in Music Hum. We want it filled. Call it activist Bwogging, but here’s a list of the tardiest professors […]

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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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