So begins another year, and with the first day of class comes our tradition of posting professors’ opening remarks. Who will provide this year’s Freudian slips, obscure philosophy puns, and strange classroom rules?
Email all the inspiring/hilarious/insane things your professors say to open the class to so that everyone will be as excited and terrified as you are. (Image via Flickr)
@neurobiology stuart firestein: “we’re here to study everyone’s fav– well, second favorite organ.”
@Nice That somewhat redeems him for being associated with FOS.
@Gary Okihiro I have difficulty hearing. I have other infirmities, but you don’t need to know about them.
@Topologist Robert Lipshitz: “Hrm, should I prove this lemma? Who votes for me to prove it? Who votes against … come on, this isn’t Afghanistan …”
@Economist Xavier Sala-I-Martin while explaining failed population control in the 70s: “I do not want the condom, why don’t you inflate it and play soccerâ€