Courtesy of the V-Show, in advance of their info session on Saturday. No palm trees this year, but there are cardboard cutouts of James Franco and Prezbo for all your silly picture needs.
Also, if you forgot yesterday, ProjectHealth is still offering free cupcake coupons for old winter coats at the Sundial.
@116 RULES
@V-shooooow Oh man, I am so excited for 116.
@Ebony and Harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh lord, why don’t we? We all know that people are the same where ever we go. There is good and bad in everyone, We learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive, together alive.
And now for some holiday cheer.
Simply having a wonderful Christmas-time! Simply having a wonderful Christmas-time!
@So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, and a new one just begun.
And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun; the near and the dear ones, the old and the young.
Happy christmas, Harmony Hunter!
@Harmony Hunter THANKS!!!!!
@Varsity Show 116 is going to be AMAZING
@Harmony Hunter how far or close is this from Harmony exactly?
and how far or close am I from Harmony right now?
Where is Harmony?
I’m so confused.
@Harmony Hunter just kidding guys I found it; please consider any further inquiries regarding Harmony’s location as desperate pleas for attention. Thanks!
@Harmony Hunter obviously this isn’t me. why would i admit to everyone that i want attention? you’re a bad impersonator.
@brilliant a brilliant depiction of the crises we all face in a (post) modern world. where IS harmony? our deep alienation will likely prevent us from ever becoming harmonious. but these are good questions to ask – will we ever become close to harmony once again, and if so, where is it? where can we find it?
@Harmony Hunter yah am i close and where can i find it