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Posts Tagged with "hot chocolate"

I know that it’s cold, but let’s stay positive! There are so many amazing things to look forward to this winter!!

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GSSC debates involvement in the Tuition Strike, hears from the Columbia food pantry, and passes two new proposals.

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According to our calendars, winter is supposedly right around the corner and with it, the excuse to buy copious amounts of your favorite warm drink. For Bwoggers Abby Rubel and Isabel Sepúlveda, that’s hot chocolate. Yesterday, they did the legwork for you and found the best hot chocolate in MoHi. (Because it has to snow […]

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No, we’re not talking about Santorum, and, yes, we are going to continue referencing years old shock porn. For this edition of 2Girls1Snack, Sam Schipani and Alison Herman adventure along Broadway to find the perfect pick-me-up after a long night’s work. Join them as they sample whipped creams and try to find a big ol’ […]

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Chug! Chug! Chug!

…water, obviously. What’d ya think we were talking about, silly? Our well-hydrated friends at Hillel are currently stationed on College Walk, and they’d really love to chat with you about their ridiculously-named new fundraiser, Chugging for Change. Challenge your crazy Columbian friends to chug water for charity—the more change you donate, the more they’ll have […]

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Once again, Columbia Business School’s behavioral research lab is attempting to coerce students into participating in experiments with the gift of free hot chocolate. They’re stationed between Schermerhorn and Uris right now! Also: Free razors (the shaving kind, not the scooters) outside of Student Activities on the third floor of the Diana. So… if you’re […]

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Right now! Go find the CU Dems in front of Low to low-cate some free hot chocolate. And in case you were wondering about the ruckus in Butler 209 last night, it was all part of the Dems flyering campaign. Moral of the story: You’ll never get real work done in 209.

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Update, 2:25am: Cowabunga, you can start to see it now! Send in any photos you take of the eclipse, people gazing skywards, eclipse parties… or whatever you crazy kids do during a lunar eclipse to! You should definitely go out tonight! In an educational way duh! Take a break from napping studying in Butler […]

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In case you missed today’s other complementary comestibles, from 9pm to 10pm there will be free hot chocolate and homemade pumpkin cupcakes in Lerner West Ramp Lounge, brought to you by Relay For Life. They will be writing holiday cards to cancer patients at the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge. Image via Wikimedia Commons

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Cooking with Bwog’s Matt Powell is back to warm your hearts with some sinfully delicious recipes for hot chocolate. We promise they’re way better than the usual Swiss Miss. New York weather continues to confuddle me, but I do know one thing: the perfect cure for the cold weather blues is a nice cup of […]

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NYC Department of Parks and Recreation provides sleds and free hot chocolate in Riverside Park today! (Gothamist) The Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia argues that keeping inmates sober will help America economically in the long term. (Kansas City Star) The Columbia Political Union wants to see where you stand. Men’s basketball brings […]

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With special guests Nuts 4 Nuts and (for the first time ever) Dean Moody-Adams, Sarah Camiscoli reports that this year’s Tree Lighting was a peaceful moment amidst a time of chaos for students who could make the time to attend. Once the a cappella Christmas carols were over and the high quality chocolate chip cookies […]

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Courtesy of the V-Show, in advance of their info session on Saturday. No palm trees this year, but there are cardboard cutouts of James Franco and Prezbo for all your silly picture needs.  Also, if you forgot yesterday, ProjectHealth is still offering free cupcake coupons for old winter coats at the Sundial.

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It’s the first real cold snap of winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to wilt! Bwog has a whole list of reasons to embrace the freeze. To wit: the de-thawing feeling in your extremities when you get back inside the bulky clothes that obscure all the weight you’ll gain over the holidays the reduction […]

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Our chapter of the American Medical Student Association will be holding a premed study break this evening. Free hot chocolate and free (presumably hot) coffee will be found tonight at 9:00 PM in the West Ramp Lounge in Lerner. Bwog also presumes that you can get in by off-handedly mentioning that you’re considering premed, even […]

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