Worrying about childhood obesity may be all the rage now, but the first clinic to treat it opened at Columbia way back in 1930. (Newsweek)
Gac Filipac, a custodian at Columbia, spent 20 years taking night morning classes for a Classics degree from GS. On Sunday, he’ll finally graduate—with honors! Then it’s grad school application time. (NYDN)
Remember high school, when you’d have crazy house parties and your parents would be arrested for encouraging underage drinking? (NYT) Update: The parents got off easy. (DNAinfo)
One of the oldest and most prestigious “white-shoe” law firms in New York is collapsing spectacularly, leaving hundreds of lawyers without work and a handful of Columbia Law students without summer internships fellowships. (Above the Law, Dealbook, NYT)
“Dinosaurs may have farted themselves to extinction, according to a new study from British scientists” who apparently have no manners. (Fox News)
Maurice Sendak, the acclaimed children’s author, passed away this morning at the age of 83. He’s where the wild things are now. (Colbert Report, NYT)
Image via Wikimedia Commons
@Oops! The article says that he worked nights, took classes in the mornings. You’ve got it conveniently switched around to reflect GS stereotypes.
@The Cloaked Stink Bomb Respect your elders, even if they were 19th century doctors who killed women by puerile fever since a “gentlemens hands are alwasy clean.” Such platitudes neither are amusing nor get readers. For decent reporting, come visit spécsucks.wordpress.com
@Anonymous Saw him in Lerner being hounded by these cameras and PR types. Real happy for him, but it made me kind of uncomfortable.
@CC'14 Wow. So much respect for Gac Filipac. You should be so proud of yourself! Congratulations and good luck!
@Three cheers..! For Mr. Filipac! Congratulations, sir!
@GS '10 I used to see Mr. Filipac cleaning in Lerner, often with a faint, knowing grin. Very pleased to see him having completed his first milestone at Columbia; looking forward to hearing the announcement of his PhD in coming years.
@Gac Filipac For senior wisdom! I imagine he will have more useful/insightful things to say than the rest combined.
@Anonymous Pleeeeaaase bwog, do it!
@Best Advice We'll Get Senior Wisdom!
@GS '10 Gac Filipac interviewed for a Senior Wisdom piece? Cool idea, but I’d lay odds he’d turn it down, given his apparent desire to stay out of the limelight.
@Anonymous wonder what his response would be to the oral sex vs cheese question.
@He'd Definitely give up cheese Cleaned up enough moldy nachos off the floors off JJ..
@Columbia Custodian is AWESOME. Good for him! That’s fantastic.
@Anonymous Yeah that guy is the man.