Below are the names of the people who will provide you with nonstop humor and campus punditry… while singing! On stage! Congratulations to all.
Here’s the 116th Varsity Show cast:
Alex Hare CC ’13
Ben Russell CC ’12
David Offit GS/JTS ’13
Emily Feinstein BC ’13
Hannah Kloepfer CC ’13
Hillary Kritt BC ’12
**Jenny Vallancourt BC ’11
*John Goodwin CC ’12
*Pat Blute CC ’12
Spencer Oberman GS ’12
Tessa Slovis BC ’13
*Yonatan Gebeyehu CC ’11
* Previously appeared in The 115th Annual Varsity Show
** Previously appeared in The 114th Annual Varsity Show
@Late to the party Congratulations to you folks of the 116th Varsity Show (ye who hound the bwog posts even this far in, like me, even now).
Jenny, John, Yoni, Pat! I love you.
To the rest…I just cannot wait. What a cast of new faces and old! Wonderful. Drinks are in order. Since this is anonymous, assume that a derelict who happens to shout -Hallelujah!- has written it.
@junior i’d say 2010 is across the board the most talented class on campus. too bad it seems they’re over the varsity show. did any seniors even audition? congrats to these youngsters. good mix of new and familiar faces.
@dshubba Cosenza Yep, seniors auditioned. Talented seniors too, at least one of whom was in the awesome V-show 2 years ago.
@no one from the class of 2010 who was in the vshow two years ago auditioned…
@Dude: Yeah, one totally did. I know him.
@Anonymous WHO?
@v114 fan Mike Seaman.
@huh that’s an unfortunate last name.
@Yay! I love Jenny V!!!!!
@jv fan i concur. jenny vallancourt is amazing.
i can’t wait to see her in this.
you go, girl!
@This cast is full of people who are simply captivating on stage. John, Alex, and Yonatan were each fantastic and commanded audience attention in Bat Boy last weekend, Jenny was simply breathtaking in Dirty Hands, and Pat played one hell of a mean Quigley in last year’s Vshow. I can’t wait to see all of them in the same production!
@... VShow is generally not too popular amongst seniors because it basically requires selling your soul for an entire semester…not exactly how a lot of people want to spend the second half of their last year of college, especially if you’re stuck writing a thesis. Even in 114, only two out of the twelve cast members were seniors.
@Hahaha I love how the age distribution of the V-Show gets younger and younger every year, as the whole rotten fiasco continually loses prestige and respect in the theatre community. When you audition you are signing on for 100%, full-time commitment, but you have no idea if the show will be okay (at best) or a complete disaster (at worst) — so why bother? Most, if not all, seniors realize this.
@Um... 114 had a pretty young cast too, and I think that a lot of people would say that it was much more than just okay. Its most stand-out character was played by a freshman.
@MDH congrats Tessa Slovis!
@yeah Putney School represent!
@Putney? Sick! Who went to Putney?
@soultrain I did: dude with the glasses and the crazy smile in the back row right.
@yeah probably all three of us?
@sweet deal diverse cast. yeah, I said it.
@Hannah is CC ’13, not ’12.
@damn wow no 2010’ers, nor SEAS.
@Second year in a row with no 2010ers. What does that tell you?
@flirt Pross Especially consider the appalling quality of last year’s show.
@The quality of last year’s show most likely had to do with the creative team… their cast was pretty talented.
@and this is not a good looking cast. but i guess you can’t tell from 200 ft back in the auditorium.
@what? Have you seen Hannah Kloepfer?
@person agreed.
@really?! i bet you look really attractive at 2AM after a full day of call backs and being pied in the face too.
@? You so obviously did not see Dirty Hands. Jenny Vallancourt is gorgeous.
@Hillary Hey, why did you delete my previous comment about copying and pasting this information from the Spec without attribution? If you didn’t copy it, then say so—I just think it’s fishy that these names are starred in the same way that the Spec starred them to indicate who had been in the Varsity Show before, since the Spec’s notice was published last night at 7:20 PM.
Addressing criticism is a much better policy than pretending it doesn’t exist.
@Hillary Okay, my bad, I guess—my previous comment didn’t show up the last time I looked at the thread. Crazy!
@haha now you just look like a bitch
@2010 what, no seniors?
@Really? This is just weak. You just copy-and-pasted Spec’s article. Do a little research, like you did for the C-Team.
@James Downie Actually, both outlets copied/pasted the same email the V-Show sent to both outlets early Sunday morning. We’ll try to update the post with more info soon.
@fo reals? Not a single senior? Really? What’s that about? Have all of the former v-show members just gotten sick of it by now?
@V Show Congrats 116!
@Holy Shit this is a truly amazing cast! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE.
@Yay Go Jenny!
@Nice, Bwog Way to copy and paste this information–including the picture and the stars designating who’s done Vshow before–from the Spec website without attribution.
@actually actually – both were given the same information. lay off.
@... Nonstop humor? Last year’s show was just nonstop. As in interminable.
@wow! A JTS student on the V-Show? That’s got to be a first. Mazal Tov!
@Awesome Congrats to all, it’s going to be amazing!