Wake up from your drunken daze all-nighter with Bwog’s take on the lengthy Sergio Leone classic.
The Good: A recent Japanese study has shown a positive correlation between watching cute animal pictures and concentrating better afterwards. The paper’s title? The “Power of Kawaii.” (WSJ)
The Bad: Hide your wife, hide your kids! A lone scout bedbug invaded the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s HQ. It was promptly gassed after an evacuation of the entire floor. We await the entire invasion force. (NYTimes)
The Ugly: The bodyguards of Czech president Vaclav Klaus merely smiled when an “attacker” rushed up to him and popped him with a replica (fake) pistol. Perhaps the bodyguards skipped their World History class on Bobby Kennedy’s assassination. (BBC)
The Good: Pyotr Pankratau nursed a moribund baby squirrel back to health during his time as a warrant officer in the Belarusian army. Two years later, his companion greets passengers as Pyotr works as a cabbie. (BuzzFeed)
The Bad: Members of a fraternity at the University of Tennesee came to the epiphany that alcohol gets wasted as it is metabolized by the liver. Their solution was to look at it from a bottom-up perspective. Alcohol enemas must be the new fad. (ABC News)
The Just Plain Ugly: Fox accidentally broadcasted a carjack-to-suicide live before cutting in with a hasty commercial break. For the morbid, the uncensored video can be found on Youtube. (Huffington Post)
Embarrassing experiences via Wikimedia Commons
@media hissy fight relevant to the telvised suicide http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2012/09/fox_news_car_chase_suicide_video_was_buzzfeed_wrong_to_post_it_on_youtube_.html // http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/car-chase-ends-in-man-shooting-himself-on-live-tv
@Typo? “Members of a fraternaty”… fraternity?
@Franzia Marketing Opportunity? “… he denied having an alcohol enema. Police concluded otherwise from evidence they found at the frat house, including boxes of Franzia Sunset Blush wine.”