Today is the fifth-going-on-fiftieth day of NSOP, and while your mandatory events and forced friendships seem to be killing you softly, don’t give up hope! Use this time to familiarize yourself with your campus, your peers, and your uni (seriously, memorize that ASAP). Other don’ts for the fifth day of NSOP: hook up with a floor-mate, visit home, use all […]
It’s been a long two days, and you’re tired. So are the RAs who helped you move in, and the OLs who walked you from Columbia to the moon and back. But get yourself up and running, or sleep in a bit and grab breakfast in John Jay—your first true taste of the Columbia dining […]
Wake up from your drunken daze all-nighter with Bwog’s take on the lengthy Sergio Leone classic. The Good: A recent Japanese study has shown a positive correlation between watching cute animal pictures and concentrating better afterwards. The paper’s title? The “Power of Kawaii.” (WSJ) The Bad: Hide your wife, hide your kids! A lone scout […]
Being FGLI Is Hard—Here Are The Resources You Need To Know About
January 23, 2025How To Impress Your Class Crush On Zoom
January 23, 2025How To Stay Warm Without A Winter Coat
January 22, 2025Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025