If you have a Saturday night craving for food for talking about sustainability, international development, and global health with Engineers Without Borders, we’ve got you covered. Tonight’s annual Beyond Borders event will feature Rogier Van Helmond (from Doctors Without Borders) and engineer Kylie Twitchell as speakers. You do not have to be rich nor an engineer to attend; the event is free and open to all. This year’s impressively-titled theme is “The Faces of Development.” Tantalizingly vague “campus group performances” are also promised.
The shindig will take place in the Roone Auditorium from 6 to 9 p.m. You can reserve your tickets here or get them at TIC in Lerner lobby from 1 to 8 p.m.
Also featured: free Moroccan dinner, a.k.a free food that’s not pizza. You go, Engineers Without Borders.
Something that is not Koronet’s via Wikimedia Commons
@Problem Except the event started at 6pm and they wouldn’t give us food until 8pm. I understand that you want to provide an incentive for people to stay, but promising dinner and then making us wait 2 hours is a bit inconsiderate.
@Anon You go Glen Coco.
@CU-EWB The best part is you don’t have to be an engineer to enjoy our free food!
@yum FREE MOROCCAN FOOD. Free EWB events rule, even though I’m not an engineer. lols
@nomnom nom nom nom
@yayyyyyy Tickets are free! Yay good food :)))
@WHOOOOOO EWB is da best
@omg <3 Moroccan food.