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Posts Tagged with "engineers without borders"

Bridge buff Henry Litwhiler explores the good deeds undertaken by your hyper-productive classmates. Maybe you’ve been living under a socially irresponsible rock, maybe you tune out at the utterance of the word “engineers,” or maybe you don’t trust people who don’t recognize boundaries. Whatever your excuse for ignoring the activities of Columbia’s chapter of Engineers Without […]

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Run Without Borders

You’re sporty as hell, we know it. You want to release some of your pre-finals megastress with some healthy exercise. You definitely think $10 is a killer deal for a 5K run, t-shirt, water bottle, bag, and post-race refreshments. Whether you happen to be an engineer or a philosophy major, you want to help the […]

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Engineers Without Borders will be throwing its annual semi-formal fundraising event tomorrow, October 13th from 3:00-5:30 PM in the Roone Arledge Auditorium. Tickets are 3$, and get you food, performances, presentations, and some pretty cool speakers. For tickets, go to the TIC or click here! P.S. You don’t have to be an engineer to attend. 

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As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them.  Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]

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Hear from Christine Liu, co-president of Engineers Without Borders. Name, Hometown, School: Christine Liu, Nutley, NJ, SEAS (Chemical Engineering) Claim to fame? Being the first to die in the 2010 CU Assassins games, Co-President of a silly group of passionate engineers. I’ve been told I make funny faces. Where are you going? Some streets down and a few […]

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If you have a Saturday night craving for food for talking about sustainability, international development, and global health with Engineers Without Borders, we’ve got you covered. Tonight’s annual Beyond Borders event will feature Rogier Van Helmond (from Doctors Without Borders) and engineer Kylie Twitchell as speakers. You do not have to be rich nor an engineer […]

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Columbia’s Engineers Without Borders are one of three winners of the PBS Planet Forward Innovator contest. This means they’ll appear on the Planet Forward show on April 8. CU EWB came in second place overall, and had the highest number of YouTube views. You can check out their winning idea–implementing sustainable sanitation and water management […]

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After a crushing loss this morning, here’s a win-win scenario: free dessert for three days! Columbia University’s Engineers Without Borders is setting up on the ramps of Lerner from today through Friday, 12- 7 p.m. That’s a long time to sit at a slant… but for good reason! This past summer, while we were wasting away […]

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Free Dinner

Engineers Without Borders is holding a giant Roone-sized event this evening at 7:00.  Beyond Borders: Food will feature discussions with experts about the “cultural and social contexts” and the “systemic factors” affect our food. Academic blathering aside, the event will feature an “Indian/African” dinner – no word on whether this is a hybrid or two […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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