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On Tuesday night, GSSC met to discuss the graduate workers strike, tuition reduction, and teaching awards…and Bwog was mentioned once!

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GSSC Bureau Chief Charlotte Slovin speaks with Shaun Abreu, Columbia College graduate and current candidate for City Council District 7.

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Tuesday’s GSSC meeting was short and sweet, but had a lot to share and celebrate in that little amount of time!

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The Council discusses elections for those who will run the 2021 Elections…not to be confusing…

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The Council heard from Officer nominees and others at Tuesday night’s meeting.

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Barnard announced Cammie Jones as the new Executive Director of Community Engagement and Inclusion on Thursday afternoon.

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Ever thought of bread as a utensil, livestock, or a social event? Senior staff writer Charlotte Slovin reports on Columbia Science Review’s event from last Thursday.

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After a delay in the site update, Bwog reports on CULPA’s newest plans.

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Senior Staff Writer Charlotte Slovin attends Columbia Science Review’s event “ARTificial Intelligence: When Machines Create” and learns about creative computers.

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On Wednesday evening, Senior Staff Writer Charlotte Slovin attended “Building Emotional Resilience in the Age of Disasters and COVID-19,” a panel discussion hosted by the Columbia Journalism School and the Center for Public Integrity. The event focused on perseverance and the mental health implications of natural disasters.

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Just because it’s Saturday doesn’t mean things don’t keep happening.

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Senior Staffer Charlotte Slovin reports on the new campus group StudBud, a site designed to create study groups and cultivate friendships for incoming students in a year of virtual classes.

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CULPA, or Columbia Underground Listing of Professor Ability, has announced the launch of their website redesign. The new page is scheduled to go live on September 10.

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