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Posts Tagged with "student government"

Bwog attended the most recent SGA meeting and heard from A-J Aronstein, who joined the group to discuss the role of Beyond Barnard in the community.

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After interviewing each candidate, Bwog has chosen to endorse Virginia Lo, Sadia Safa, and Albert Grass for the University Senate and Ali Winter for Student Services Representative. Find our endorsements below.

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Representatives on Barnard’s Student Government Association have the power to influence major aspects of student life, including by planning a myriad of beloved student events. However, when their elections come around, the bulk of the student body is nowhere to be found. Will this semester be different?

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Howdy y’all! The last of the councils are rounded up, and the semester is coming to an end.

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The semester is winding down, but student government is still kicking! Read on for this week’s happenings.

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For CCSC’s second-to-last meeting of the semester, general body members reflected on the election process and created an appointment committee to fill the Religion Representative position.

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Running for student government? Contact us for the possibility to get the endorsement of the best news blog on campus!

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On Monday night, SGA Rep Council heard from members of Barnard’s Pandemic Response Team about – you guessed it – Barnard’s pandemic response, including student experiences in quarantine and isolation, and how to keep the Barnard, and Harlem communities safe.

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Tuesday’s GSSC meeting was short and sweet, but had a lot to share and celebrate in that little amount of time!

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This week, SGA Rep Council heard from Barnard Trustees Jyoti Menon BC ‘01 and Marcia Lynn Sells BC ‘81 P ‘23 about the work they do on the Board of Trustees. 

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The Council discusses elections for those who will run the 2021 Elections…not to be confusing…

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ESC Says Farewell

ESC had their last meeting of the year, marking the end of the current councils terms. In a very short open meeting, they vote on resolutions and discuss a potential stance on grading for Fall 2020. ESC Bureau Chief Lori Luo reports for the last time this school year.

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CCSC Bureau Chief Adam Kluge returns for his weekly ramblings about the political underbelly that is the Columbia College Student Council.

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In the second exciting meeting of the General Studies Student Council, Acting Dean of Students Ivonne Rojas dropped by as a guest speaker for a Q&A, followed by the interview and appointment of nominees to the council! Brand spanking new GS bureau chief Andrew Chee brings you the exhilarating run down of all the nominees! Q&A […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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