The Columbia Bookstore is full of fun treats and knick knacks – here’s a look at some of store’s expensive as shit priceless treasures!
Setting: 110 Protagonist: a girl with an unnervingly serene disposition Era: finals The warning signs were there. She had seen yellow streaks on the wall and drips from the ceiling and thought mucus? acid? an externalized flu? And then she shrugged and went to bed. What appeared to be a Simpson murder was reported the next […]
Last night, Etienne Balibar discussed his new book, Citizen Subject, to a packed room of comparative literature fanatics, political enthusiasts, and avid philosophy students. Bwogger Becky Novak attended the event. Balibar’s book is considered to be a synthesis of his beliefs surrounding the necessarily antagonistic relationship between citizen and subject, an in analyzing this couplet, he advances towards […]
Disappearing Diana Furniture, Dodge gym becoming unsafe for women, an update on transgender rhetoric on campus, oh my! Gabbi Kloppers, SGA reporter, takes you inside another interesting SGA meeting. Here’s what you missed at SGA: A large part of the meeting was devoted to reflecting on the most recent Town Hall meeting, which was focused […]
While movies are a great way to unwind after a long week in Butler, they also make statements about the society we inhabit. In her recent lecture “The Challenge to Avert Tragedy: ‘The Winter’s Tale’ Refigured in ‘Vertigo,’ ‘Pheonix,’ and ‘Gone Girl’,” Professor Elisabeth Bronfen examines the role of women in recent blockbusters. After attending the […]
Last night, Staff Writer Becky Novik attended Onyx‘s spring showcase, and was blown away by the talent and energy of the performers. The group’s second performance is tonight at 8:30pm in the Lerner Black Box. Long story short: I didn’t want it to end and was genuinely sad when it did. And now the long story: […]
Facebook: a tool for the social to prove just how social they are, while the rest of us cower behind our keyboards. Are these Facebook Famous classmates-to-be on to something? Or are they just kind of crazy? Bwogger Becky Novik attempts to figure it all out. You know who they are. Of course you know; […]
It is finally, definitively Spring Weather in NYC, and staffer Rebecca decided to celebrate with some mid-day music–nothing like warm weather and hot jams! The sun (which for the first time in 2016 actually warmed my soul) was beaming through the windows of the garden room in the Faculty House as I sat down to […]
“only glass stands” sounds like part of a Google Glass ad; and MaMa reminds us of kind-of-almost of a certain cello player. But the MaMa Project’s “only glass stands” dance performance was neither. Read on to find out what Bwog staffers Becky Novik and Jennifer Nugent thought of last night’s première! Warning: Written in the […]
Before everyone freaks out: Internships are a great way to gain experience in a field of interest, help bulk up a resume for future employment, and cross a potential career path off your list. This is merely the argument that there are other, equally valuable ways to spend your summer. Those of you who’ve already […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025