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Posts Tagged with "ido"

As the weather gets colder, the balance in your bank account gets lower, and going anywhere further than your suite’s bathroom gets more exhausting, heading to 1020 on a Friday night is not as enchanting a prospect as it may have been earlier in the semester. One Bwogger explains why, for them, that prospect has […]

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In recent times, Bwog members have been horrified to see various members of the Columbia community using the Butler bathrooms to brush their teeth. What’s wrong with them? An obsession with oral hygiene? Bwogger Gabbie Kloppers investigates, and comes to the defense of the Butler Toothbrusher. It started with only one incidence, late one Sunday […]

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Before everyone freaks out: Internships are a great way to gain experience in a field of interest, help bulk up a resume for future employment, and cross a potential career path off your list. This is merely the argument that there are other, equally valuable ways to spend your summer. Those of you who’ve already […]

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During this trying time of finals, papers, and questioning every life decision you’ve ever made, Bwogger Betsy Ladyzhets offers a single piece of advice: if you value your emotional well-being, don’t go to Butler. It’s that time of year again. You have an important choice to make: do you put your emotional health and well-being […]

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Eschewing the celebration of Halloween. It might be an unpopular opinion, but it’s an important one (arguably, even, the moral one). Bwog staffer Phoebe Newton bravely faces capitalism and the masses to stand up for what she believes in–what is truly right–the eradication of Halloween. Of course I hate Halloween. I can understand the overwhelming […]

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This week is a toxic mix for our productivity: it’s beautiful out, yet there is so much to be done before we can bask in the sunlight forever. It seems like we can’t do one without sacrificing the other, because there aren’t enough (any) outlets in the great outdoors to keep your computer charged long […]

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In this installment of “In Defense Of,” Julia Goodman protests the protest of protests.  We promise this article will be way easier to read (and way more enjoyable) than that just was. Yesterday, a disturbing editorial ran in the Spectator entitled “Make protesting pragmatic.” It opens with the observation that “campus protests have become less […]

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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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