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Posts Tagged with "110"

Another day, another dorm. Today we’re featuring 110, the iconic Barnard dorm where “real people” live alongside students!

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Our first installment of Barnard housing reviews for this year, 601 W. 110th St, colloquially known as 110 offers massive rooms in a relaxed environment for students who might want to escape the hustle and bustle of living on 116th St.

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Whaddup Barnard friends (and Columbia kids if you’re cool enough to room w/ us?)! Housing selection is soon approaching. Bwog is back with our coveted and much anticipated Housing Reviews. Today it’s 110 (more officially called 601 W 110th St), a Barnard dorm that’s very grown-up. Look forward to more great content this week. Location: 601 […]

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One Barnard dorm’s elevators are not like every other dorm’s elevators. Do they contain a dark secret, or have they just not been renovated since the fifties? Senior Staffer Betsy Ladyzhets investigates. Imagine – it’s 11:30 pm on a Sunday. I’ve got a mound of dirty clothes taking up space beside my bed and a […]

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All of us know that Columbia/Barnard housing is hit-or-miss. None of us in our right mind would imagine a luxurious palace replete with marble floors and walls. Here, Bwogger Nikki Shaner-Bradford clues us in on a delicious rumor about Barnard’s 110.  Barnard’s supposed best-kept housing secret has secrets of its own, hidden within the walls of […]

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Setting: 110 Protagonist: a girl with an unnervingly serene disposition Era: finals The warning signs were there.  She had seen yellow streaks on the wall and drips from the ceiling and thought mucus? acid? an externalized flu? And then she shrugged and went to bed. What appeared to be a Simpson murder was reported the next […]

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Housing is upon us. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. We now introduce, for the first time in our reviewing history…110! — A Barnard dorm proudly situated far from campus. Location: 601 West 110th St. Nearby dorms: Cathedral Gardens (sort of) Stores and restaurants: Westside, […]

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