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This week, GSSC ran really short. Like, really short. Regardless, GSSC Bureau Chief Olivia Mitchell is here to report everything that went down this week, which included a very special, limited-edition experience of Vice President of Policy Joshua Lefkow GS ’20 as this week’s acting president. A coup d’état? Possibly!

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GSSC Bureau Chief Olivia Mitchell reports on this week’s GSSC meeting, where the council talked with Michael Higgins GS ’21, the Co-Founder and Chair of the Food Pantry at Columbia, about food pantries on campus– including a brand new third location– and the upcoming Campus Hunger Education Week (CHEW), discussed financial allocation for the senior […]

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Staff writer Olivia Mitchell covers GSSC this week as they discuss the pilot program for the low-cost meal plan, the importance of the student wellness survey, and gender-based misconduct and discrimination on campus.

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Staff writer Olivia Mitchell pulls out her spectacles to observe and analyze the types of people you see walking back from their hookups at 3 am. 

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Earlier today, Barnard SGA and the Food Pantry at Columbia announced that they will be opening a new satellite food pantry location on Barnard’s campus in partnership with Barnard students, the Barnard administration, and Chartwells, Barnard’s dining service.

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Bwogger Olivia Mitchell heads to the newest edition of the  Columbia Astronomy Lecture Series to find out why a scientist should never ask a star its age.

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Life In The Universe

Are stars alive?  Staff writer Olivia Mitchell attended Columbia Astronomy Outreach’s October 18th lecture “Life in the Universe” to find out.

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