Happy velociraptor day vacuum-cleaning day vermouth-appreciation day V-Day Columbia! We’re sorry to inform all you love-sick Columbians that tonight is the last night of personals. While it might be a little late for a Valentine’s Day date, you’ve still got a shot at love. Our last batch of Columbians searching for that special someone are […]
It was a cold and dreary February 13, and nary a fuck was given. The weather outside was far from delightful, but despite the wintry mix, somehow yours truly made the trek to Lerner, late, confused, and poorly informed (so the norm basically). The night got off to a promising start, in that I walk […]
We’re all about spreading the love here at Bwog. In the spirit of the holiday, we’ve asked Features Editor and noted fan of Valentine’s Day Alexander Pines to come up with some cards for all of your love/lust/like-like-seeking needs. Feel free to print ’em out and slip them to that lucky someone (higher resolution versions are […]
Where does Duane Reade get off selling a three pack of condoms for $6.99? We all know that’s absurd, but tonight when you notice that condom in your wallet (the one you got from that anti-smoking street performance group six months ago) is just a little too expired, you’ll shell out that seven bucks without […]
Happy velociraptor day vacuum-cleaning day vermouth=appreciation day V-Day Columbia! Today’s Columbians looking for love are Sarah, Richard, and the Diana Center. If you want to take any one of these awesome humans/ buildings on a date, email us and we’ll set it up (and give you ten whole dollars to take ‘em out). But sorry guys, […]
I lost a green wallet last night (probably at 1020, sigh). It should have my school ID (Luis Abrego). If anyone found it last night please email, lsa2117@columbia.edu.
Deantini and Dean Awn got themselves a surprise pre-Valentine’s serenade from none other than your local Kingsmen. To say the least, Bwog is jealous. We expect our surprise performance some time in the coming hours, or at least a V-day platonic hug. The gallon of chocolate is already empty and the mint chip one is […]
We were afraid to go outside yesterday. Although, it turns out that we saw just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to snowfall yesterday. (CNN) Speaking of polar bears, a bunch of clinically insane people intend to, in cult-like fashion, subject themselves to inhumane conditions for fun. They are remarkably badass compared to us […]
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Today we have a special treat for you: behold, Alexandra and Alexandra, Bwog’s stellar former editorial team! As you’ll soon find out, this dynamic duo has a lot more in common than just their name, and they wrote each others’ personals. Here’s the fun part: we’re not telling you […]
With bags of candy purchased out of self-loathing and loneliness Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better time to get into shape. Bwog shows you how, with a brief instructional video that can help even the most out-of-shape Columbians.
Big things happened at Barnard’s SGA meeting this past Monday night. Barnard Bearoness Lauren Beltrone thinks you should know about them. Yes, you heard right. The eBear, a slovenly yet majestic creature, is predicted to be extinct by the end of midterms this March. Barnard College Information Technology said that they’ll be officially shutting down […]
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In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024