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Posts Tagged with "condolences"

Robert Jervis, Harriman Institute faculty and Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Politics at SIPA, died at his home on December 9.

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President Bollinger and Beilock reported the first deaths from COVID-19 within the Columbia community, including that of a student, in an email update sent to students this afternoon.

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On Saturday, April 4, 2019, Thomas Waters, a former Urban Studies adjunct faculty member at Barnard, passed away. 

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This afternoon, Columbia students received an email from Dean James Valentini that Charlie Noxon (CC ’21) passed away on Tuesday in a skiing accident in Park City, Utah

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An 18-year old Barnard student passed away after being stabbed in Morningside Park tonight during what police believe to be an armed robbery and assault.

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This morning, Columbia students received an email from Dean James Valentini that Columbia College senior Josh Berenzweig has passed away, while on a leave of absence in Brooklyn.

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Content Warning: This post contains mentions of suicide.

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This morning, we received notice that Columbia School of General Studies student David Hanna has passed away from a chronic illness.

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Earlier this afternoon, we received news from an email by Dean Lisa Rosen-Metsch that Columbia School of General Studies student Matthew Summerill has passed away.

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Earlier this afternoon, we received news from an email by Dean Lisa Rosen-Metsch that Columbia School of General Studies student Christopher Lopez has passed away.

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GS second-year student Ajay Arman has passed away from a rare form of cancer.

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This morning Columbia students received notice that General Studies junior Eubert (Bert) McLeod has passed away.

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Peter Awn, Dean Emeritus of the School of General Studies, passed away yesterday following a car accident last month.

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Late this evening, we received news that Barnard senior Caroline Montgomery has passed away. Caroline and her father, Mark Montgomery, died in the mudslides in her hometown of Santa Barbara, California. A psychology major, Caroline also kindled a deep love for the world of fashion, finding her stride in companies such as Coterique, Topshop, NYLON, and KITH. In […]

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Last night, GS/JTS students were informed of the passing of Hannah Weiss, a sophomore in the dual program between Columbia’s School of General Studies and JTS’s Albert A. List College. Hannah and her family died in a plane crash in Costa Rica on Sunday afternoon. Hannah hails from Saint Petersburg, Florida, and found a home on campus […]

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