Oops [we] did it again…and by did it again, we mean we slept through our alarm. Anyway, on the second-to-last day of finals, Britney Spears has got us thinking about space. Bwogline: NASA’s Curiosity Rover took photos of a blue-tinged sunset on Mars. (NASA) Study Tip: We always find it calming to take a break from Butler […]
So maybe finals start in just a few weeks, and maybe you’re regretting those nights you spent going wild at frat parties eating Ben & Jerry’s and watching a movie in your room. Still, there’s no need to become a Butler zombie to make up for lost time yet, as Bwog’s Arts Editor Kyra Bloom has […]
SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney, Pat Blute’s musical which professed to pair The Greatest Story Ever Told with The Greatest Music Ever Written, ran for the last time at 8 pm last night, in Barnard’s Glicker-Milstein Theatre. Conor Skelding went. On the jaded Columbia campus, SPEARS’s premise – using the music of Britney Spears to […]
Earlier today, Bwog sat down with Pat Blute. Blute, of BwogWeather and HardCore fame, has been of late consumed by the production of his new rock-opera, SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney. Tickets go on sale at 5 pm today, and will sell out fast. Blute, director and creator, is pretty excited. Bwog sat down with […]
As we pointed out a few days back, the Registrar’s office has added additional dates for spring registration this week and next in hopes that it will allow for more accurate schedules going in to winter break. Now you have much more time to sit in class and refresh SSOL nonstop until that Art Hum […]
Courtesy of Facebook, Bwog happened upon the following exceptional message from CQA, which we feel requires no introduction: Hey folks! So in case you haven’t heard the news, Britney Spears has been hospitalized again for the second time this month for a mental health evaluation (it is also the second time this month the Reserve […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025