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Posts Tagged with "nasa"

Women in STEM? More like women in space! Editor’s Warning: mentions of gun violence and assault.

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The Republican Debate last night hosted a narrowed field of candidates (no entrance cue mishaps this time), with only Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, John Kasich, and Donald Trump remaining in the running. (CNN) Astronaut Scott Kelly aired his last news conference yesterday from the International Space Station, where he has spent almost a […]

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Tbt that time during NSOP Bwog cracked their phone screen into one million pieces and had to go to Apple Store. Yesterday a man brandished a samurai sword at the flagship Fifth Avenue Apple location. Glad we weren’t there! (NBC) Today in Malaysia (part of a 10 day tour of Turkey and Asia), Obama promised […]

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Oops [we] did it again…and by did it again, we mean we slept through our alarm. Anyway, on the second-to-last day of finals, Britney Spears has got us thinking about space. Bwogline: NASA’s Curiosity Rover took photos of a blue-tinged sunset on Mars. (NASA) Study Tip: We always find it calming to take a break from Butler […]

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Thirteen year-old surfing star Elio Canestri was killed in a shark attack off the coast of India yesterday. Though emergency crews were able to respond promptly, the thirteen year old died as a result of severe wounds to the stomach and chest. This fatality adds to a list of multiple recent shark attacks that have […]

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Well, this is embarassing. A North Korean long-range rocket launched this morning broke up after launch, raising many eyebrows and more than a few guffaws. (CNN) Core references in real life! Well, in a movie at least. (New Yorker) Not so fast, international censorship laws. (AKAScope) NASA might have found life on Mars! In 1976… […]

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Space. The final frontier. That’s true today more than ever, as the space shuttle Endeavour soars into the heavens for the final time (after multiple expensive delays)! Now that Endeavour has launched, after a final flight from the Space Shuttle Atlantis next month, manned space flight in the United States will be grounded for quite some […]

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Air Force Colonel Greg Johnson decided he wanted to be an astronaut at the age of 7, the night he watched Apollo 11 land the first humans on the Moon. Johnson’s road to space was long—he trained as a fighter pilot at the Air Force Academy, graduated an engineer from Columbia University in 1985, and […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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