It’s the return of three hour CCSC meetings! Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports on Republicans, retorts, and well-meaning reports. Oh, and there are a few updates on Lerner space. The Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR) have come under fire this semester, drawing attention for hosting white nationalist Tommy Robinson at a heavily-protested campus event, and for planning […]
You can catch Nadra Rahman in the Satow Room on any given Sunday night, observing the tumult and angst that characterize a good CCSC meeting. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) had two items on its agenda at its meeting last night: discussing a proposal by black, Latinx, and indigenous constituency groups for reallocating representatives […]
This past weekend, members of the Black Students’ Organization (BSO) attended the general body meeting of the Columbia College Student Council to discuss CCSC’s proposal on Issues of Race and Diversity. According to the BSO, multiple and critical errors were made during the creation of the proposal. Below is CCSC’s explanation of the of the issues that […]
Another week. Another CCSC meeting. Another discussion of the Five Things for Deantini. Another student group criticizing CCSC for not accurately representing the needs of the student body. And another account of the meeting’s events from indubitable bureau chief Joe Milholland. On Sunday night’s general body meeting for the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC), members […]
On Thursday night in the Schapiro, the Men of Color Alliance, Sigma Lambda Beta, The Sons Of Eta, BSO, and Teach For America hosted a panel discussion about the role of men of color in today’s educational system. Bwogger Heather Akumiah was there, eating pizza, snapping at all the wrong times, and occasionally taking notes. […]
Tonight at 9 pm in Lerner C555 the BSO is hosting “…Cuz She Asked for It,” an exploratory art gallery as part of sexual violence awareness month. The gallery will be exploring the ways different mediums of art including photography, videography, paintings, print media advertisements, movie clips, and theatre productions address rape culture. There will […]
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the execution of Troy Davis prompted a gathering at the Van Am Quad on Thursday night. Earlier in the day, students had held smaller demonstrations around College Walk. The vigil was organized with the help of Columbia’s Black Students Organization, Amnesty International, College Democrats and the Barnard-Columbia International Socialist Organization. […]
Last night, Troy Davis was put to death by lethal injection for the 1989 murder of a police officer in Georgia. His execution was delayed for hours while the Supreme Court reviewed but ultimately refused an eleventh-hour appeal for clemency. Davis maintained his innocence until his death. The Columbia Dems teamed up with BSO to […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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February 20, 2025