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Posts Tagged with "amnesty international"

Happening in the World: After yet another attack from Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram, over 90 schoolgirls are missing from the northeastern state of Yobe, Nigeria. If confirmed, their abduction would be one of the largest since Boko Haram kidnapped over 270 schoolgirls in 2014. (Reuters International) Happening in the U.S.: The Florida House of Representative […]

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Tonight in the Lerner Party Space there is an event hosted by Globemed and Amnesty International. Student dance groups will perform in front of an “open dance party,” followed by a rave and free grilled cheeses pizza from V&T. Performers include Raw Elementz, CU Bhangra, Venom Step Team, CU Voltage, Foggy Details, Mickey McDonald, and features DJ […]

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Free the Food!

Amnesty International is having a general body meeting at 9 pm tonight in Earl Hall with free food. What type, we don’t know, but mystery makes life more exciting. Just don’t subject your body to JJ’s again. It begs you.     The great food detective via Shutterstock  

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The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the execution of Troy Davis prompted a gathering at the Van Am Quad on Thursday night. Earlier in the day, students had held smaller demonstrations around College Walk. The vigil was organized with the help of Columbia’s Black Students Organization, Amnesty International, College Democrats and the Barnard-Columbia International Socialist Organization. […]

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If you’re craving free food with a humanitarian twist, head over CU Amnesty International’s JAMNESTY: Jamming with Amnesty tonight at 8 p.m. in Earl Hall. In addition to free food, there shall be music and general good times to be had, so Bwog suggests you check it out. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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Tonight at 8 PM in Havemeyer 309, Rebiya Kadeer, the woman dubbed the “Uyghur Dalai Lama” and the famed advocate for minority rights in China, will speak at an event sponsored by Columbia International Relations Council and Association in conjunction with Columbia Political Union and Amnesty International.  She’s the President of the World Uyghur Congress, […]

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After such a warm day, there are two options for your early evening: first, Amnesty International’s cleverly named “Jamnesty,” which will combine live music with a free “Ethiopian dinner.” Apparently, live music plus Ethiopian food equals “almost like the 60s… minus the pot.” The potless-ness begins at 8:30 in Earl Hall Auditorium. If living a […]

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Here’s a quick round-up of all the goings-on of Columbia and its environs, happening right now: A notably dapper member of the Philolexian Society is currently standing atop the Sundial. He and others  advertising for the Joyce Kilmer Bad Poetry Contest, which is happening on the 13th. A few yards over, on the Steps, Amnesty […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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