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Posts Tagged with "butler archetypes"

Sick of studying all day and night? So is the star of our most recent Butler Archetype—but, like, actually. Read on as Anna Bahr investigates whether her table mate has the Bubonic Plague, or just the world’s stuffiest nose…  It’s the night before that one really important midterm—you’re already enormously uncomfortable. A continuous chorus of sniffles and […]

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You’ve met dope-fiends, borrowers, human roadblocks, and phantoms. In this, the latest iteration of Butler Archetypes, Bwog contributor Alex Svokos muses over that most amorous of Butler mavens: The Skyper. You’ve got it— finally. Your thesis. It’s been hours of grueling Butler strife. Gallons of Blue Java coffee. Sixteen cigarette breaks… No, but you finally have it. A full day […]

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Taking a Saturday evening off of the Butler grind? We doubt it. And unsurprisingly, neither are the Butler-ites—the elusive species of passersby, tablemates, and denizens you’ve come to love/hate. With our newest Butler-themed feature, we bring you meticulously researched anthropological profiles of these shifty creatures from the guy who smells like weed to the girl […]

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We all have a type. And no, we don’t mean the one you’ll spend most of Heights happy hour trying to stake out—we mean the Butler kind. Join an aggravated Alexandra Svokos as she reports live, from the line at Butler’s Security desk.  She knows it’s in there, somewhere. In her right hand is an […]

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You’re welcome. Yes, you. For what? Glad you asked (see: synergy)—you’re welcome for the second installment of Butler Archetypes! Yesterday’s “Smells Like Weed” portrait should’ve whet your palate; now, brace yourself for a slew of even more Butler-ites. Today, Magnanimous Muffin Sharer Kevin Powers presents us with a vignette of one person whose presence is […]

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Between the snowstorm that prematurely ravished barely coated our campus in white, and the fact that it took more than 24 hours for South Lawn to see its first snow penis of the season, things have been pretty unconventional this semester. However, one thing—one Columbia species—has remained consistent amidst all of the chaos: the Butler-ites. Those […]

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