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Posts Tagged with "butler archetypes"

Today’s first Senior Wisdom: Louise McCune, the fine lady behind some of our Butler archetypes, and the fine lady who is probably sitting behind you as you read this, considering your eligibility for portraiture.  Name, Hometown, School: Louise McCune, San Francisco, Columbia College, American Studies Claim to fame? In these circles I am probably best […]

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We’re about halfway through finals, which means the fun’s not over yet, and neither is your time in Butler. To help you get through the home stretch, we’ve re-posted below last year’s Butler Bingo: Archetypes edition. It’s finals week and you know what that means. We’ve lampooned the inanity of Butler before, but this year […]

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Think heels in Butler only cause loud noises and excessive classiness? Think again! Fatal fashionista Alexandra Svokos explains why these boots were made for walking in the library. You hear those click-clacking scrapes walking up and down 209 and you cringe, wondering what on earth would inspire some girl to wear heels to the library. […]

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From us to you: a Limited Edition Louise McCune Original poster of all of our Butler Archetype friends. We’ve left a stack on the shelves in the back of Butler Café, and a few around 209. If you don’t nab one today, don’t worry, we’ll be sprinkling them around the library over the coming week.

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It’s finals week and you know what that means. We’ve lampooned the inanity of Butler before, but this year we’ve adapted Butler Bingo around those closest (literally) to you: Butler Archetypes. Here’s how to play: sit in Butler. Look at the game board. Scroll over each square to read its description. Look around you. When […]

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It’s finals season—time to get serious. But not for these guys. Give Penis Pundit Matt Schantz a casual head nod and maybe decide to stay for a while as he crafts a masterful portrait of those Butler Archetypes who just can’t seem to stop dicking around.  They’ll come bearing a few muffled grunts, perhaps a […]

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With less than two weeks of classes left, chances are you’ve found yourself Butler-bound, day after day. And that elite species of Blue Java-loving Stacks inhabitants—known to the more general public as the Butler Archetypes—are by your side the whole time. Rest your head on Conor Skelding’s very soft shoulder as he reminds you why that’s […]

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Louis XIV may have sported some pretty high stilettos (thanks for the cocktail party fodder, Core Curriculum), but at least he had the courtesy not to stomp around the Ref Room. Heel Hater Meriam Raouf profiles that Butler Archetype whose sharp clicks down the marble hallway are turning your hair gray.  It’s Sunday night. You’ve […]

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Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break—if you were one of the fortunate Columbians who left campus, that is. If you weren’t, you probably tried to steer clear of Butler. But these guys didn’t; join hands with Amateur Expert Anthropologist Claire Sabel as she paints a very pretty picture of The Long Weekender.  Unable to return home for the […]

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You may be getting ready to forsake Butler and head home for break, but there are a few individuals who would never dream of abandoning its marble walls and fancy woodwork: the Butler Archetypes. Lend your ear (eyes?) to Aurally Annoyed Bijan Samareh as he profiles those study buddies who stick out like a giant snow […]

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Bleary-eyed and ready to start ranting to the nice ladies in Butler Cafe, you enter the library at the crack of dawn (okay, 10 am) to start work on that project you really, really didn’t mean to procrastinate on. But wait—what’s that smell? Is it possible that someone got here even earlier than YOU, and […]

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It’s been a long weekend—one you spent in Butler, no doubt. Re-join us as we continue to profile those library regulars who spent it with you. In this installment of Butler Archetypes, Carpal Tunnel Victim Conor Skelding takes a close look at just how many notifications the guy next to him has.  He’ll give up […]

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It’s that weird point in the semester when your midterms are mostly over, and it’d be too soon to start studying for finals. In other words, it’s the perfect time to take a break from Butler, right? Wrong—for The Professional, at least. Join Amateur Anthropologist Brian Wagner as he chronicles yet another Butler Archetype. Color-coded […]

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If you’re one of the many who has to hit up Butler instead of Senior Night, you should know that you’re not alone. In fact, you never are; wandering the halls of floor 6, chilling in The Stacks, standing in front of you in line for coffee—the many Butler Archetypes we’ve come to know and […]

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Today, we bring you a special weekend preview edition of our newest feature, Butler Archetypes. Vibrate with vexation as SMS Specialist Renée Kraiem describes the person whom you most dread waking up to on a Sunday morning: The Texter.  It is important to remember that the Texter is most often disguised as a Power Studier—high bun, […]

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