The Columbia Social Workers for Palestine, a new student collective at the School of Social Work, organized a sit-in on November 8 in support of Palestine.
Columbia President Minouche Shafik and Barnard President Laura Rosenbury announced the formation of a Doxing Resource Group composed of offices at Columbia and Barnard, which will serve as a “point of contact for issues related to doxing, harassment, and online security.”
Columbia President Minouche Shafik, Barnard President Laura Rosenbury, and Teachers College President Thomas Bailey sent out a joint statement on November 1 announcing a community-wide Task Force on Antisemitism.
Six days after Columbia’s campus closed to the public as countering Call to Action for Palestine and Students Supporting Israel protests mounted on Butler Lawn, University President Minouche Shafik has released a statement on “upholding [University] values.”
On Monday, December 12, student organizer Izzy Bohn (GS ’23) and Morningside Heights community member Dan McSweeney hosted a teach-in and poster-making session to educate students about tenant rights and Columbia’s forced displacement of local residents.
News Editor Victoria Borlando is back to discuss the only three things she talks about on this website: News, Culture, and BwogLetter, Columbia’s prettiest, wittiest, and most efficient weekly newsletter.
Dear Friends: Please join the staff of The Blue and White and the Bwog (pictured at right) at our first meeting of the year, happening tonight, Monday night, at 9:30 PM in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. First-years and new writers/artists/editors are especially welcome and encouraged to attend. We’ll be planning our October issue […]
Bwog has now entered the dictionary and was featured by the New York Times–sort of. Thanks to a tip from a handy-dandy commenter, we discovered a NYT blog post on vocabulary introducing ‘unbwogable‘ into the English lexicon. According to the post: ‘Unbwogable (adj): unshakable or indomitable–from the Kenyan word bwogo, meaning scare or shake.’ The […]
President Obama signed an executive order closing overseas CIA prisons and Guantanamo today, promising that the prison will be out of operation within a year. Matthew Waxman, Columbia law professor and former detainee affairs official for the Bush administration, had a few pointers. Waxman has been calling for the end of Guantanamo for a while, […]
Bwog’s in the market for a daily editor or two for the new semester. The job: writing the various posts for your designated day (QuickSpecs, free food, gossip, etc.), covering breaking news, and generally running the Bwog’s minute-to-minute operations. Perks include scaring administrators, advance free food knowledge, the chance to write witty headlines, and free […]
We just wanted to take a quick minute to thank you, the reader, for reading. We’ve had an exciting fall, with pageviews numbering just below 1.5 million/month for October and November (our highest since April ’08 by about 100k). So again, thanks for reading — we’re humbled and grateful that you do.
Hey guess what? We’ve made a Google Group, and it’s called Bwog Freelance! So here’s the deal, if you’re interesting in reporting on — or taking pictures of — lectures, theater performances, cultural events and campus happenings, send an email to saying so. You’ll be put on the listserv, and will soon begin to […]
Bwog is looking for a daily editor or two to join our staff. So, the job: On your designated day, you’ll write QuickSpec, various news and culture pieces and free food listings. Plus, you’ll chronicle “Stephan’s” every move: it’s the stuff of dreams! So here’s what to do — send us the following: 1. Five […]
So, as you may have noticed, Bwog is a little on the fritz today because of course. We’re looking into the problem (something with “servers,” maybe) and it should be fixed soon-ish. Thanks for your patience.
Tonight marks the first Blue and White and Bwog meetings of the semester. Come to St. Paul’s chapel basement at 9:30 PM to pitch stories for the March issue, perhaps engage in a game of Pokey, and meet our new editor-in-chief Anna Phillips and managing editor Katie Reedy. Bwog also hears rumors of ginger snaps. […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025