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Posts Tagged with "oh my god this is so meta I can’t stand it!"

Yes, of course, your NSOP OLs know all the nice and effective icebreakers that can be played out on the sunny lawns, but what about when the sun goes down and everyone moves inside?  Bwog is here for you to bond with your new classmates and let your inner party animal out at the zoo […]

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Hello there! Are you in a living situation that is in some way notable? Do you like diamonds and fame? Would you like to be featured on Bwog then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name? Well, perfect. Bwog is looking for living […]

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Bwog’s Dad jokes that he married Bwog’s Mom because she had memorized the entire lineup of the ’69 Mets . If only that were still something to be proud of…

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Like Shakespeare and Sarah Palin, college students enjoy making up new words. HuffPo (that’s Huffington Post to you students who, er, haven’t read this article yet) recently did a piece on the language college students speak at schools that… aren’t Columbia, apparently. Here is Bwog’s comprehensive A-Z lexicon of all the words and phrases you will […]

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And now for our final installment (phew!) of Senior Wisdom, we present to you our dearly near-departed Bwog and Blue & White seniors: Bwog and B&W editor emerita Juli Weiner and Bwog Editor emeritus James Downie, B&W managing editor and former daily editor Alexandra M., Hawkmadinejad editor Courtney D., and B&W senior editor Menachem Kaiser. […]

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Barnard Gets Meta

The Barnard website is getting a makeover, but it seems like it’s going to take a while. On Thursday, Barnard students received an email from Scott DiPerna, Director of Electronic Communications (?!), announcing the plan for an overhaul of and introducing a Barnard Website blog that will keep whoever’s actually interested up-to-date about the […]

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Numerous tipsters have highlighted the featured article in today’s Times arts section, about the still-under-construction Northwest Science Building, and its architect, Jose Rafeo Moneo. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the many difficulties that the project has faced, including building on top of the gym, complementing the Manhattanville expansion, and, um, anonymous commenters.  Yes, […]

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If you live in a suite and/or are a glutton for fame, the Blue&White wants YOU! For the upcoming Harvest issue, we are writing about several living arrangements we’ve dubbed ‘Powersuites’– suites with students who are all involved in one activity, are notable campus folk, or otherwise engaged in an interesting living situation. If you […]

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Image courtesy of Facebook Thespian tracker Liz Naiden sends Bwog this dispatch from the spring showing of LateNite Theater, playing tonight and tomorrow at 11 p.m. As the LateNite crowd stumbled in they may or may not have had time to engage in thoughtful conversation with the giant computer screen projected onto the back wall […]

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Bwog has now entered the dictionary and was featured by the New York Times–sort of. Thanks to a tip from a handy-dandy commenter, we discovered a NYT blog post on vocabulary introducing ‘unbwogable‘ into the English lexicon. According to the post: ‘Unbwogable (adj): unshakable or indomitable–from the Kenyan word bwogo, meaning scare or shake.’ The […]

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   – Barnard College Rosalind Rosenberg is this year’s winner of the Emily Gregory Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award, named for Barnard’s first female teacher, is bestowed annually by students on a member of the faculty. Rosenberg’s popular courses include American Women in the 20th Century, and she holds “Silver Nugget” on her […]

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Why didn’t you think of this first?  Six CC ’09 gentlemen who met on their pre-Orientation COOP trip have started a blog from their EC townhouse. Designed with a bright red hue to echo their townhouse’s decoration (“as if McDonald’s built a ski chalet”). Casting reformed gender norms to the wind, the group has chosen […]

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This past semester, Spec has chronicled the trials and tribulations of ups, downs and ins and outs of graduation speakers, impeachments (Was it overplayed?  Are we including resignations?  When will it end?), and all other news that’s fit to print (and some things that are not news).  Meanwhile, Bwog has diligently chronicled Spec’s daily chronicle, […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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