For careful listeners, the best soundtrack on campus is the rotation of Vampire Weekend, Radiohead and other indie darlings at Cafe 212. Bwog cultural correspondent Merrell Hambleton sits down with the man behind the mix. I find Café 212 manager Robert Bell working to hang up two small bulletin boards. “I’m actually doing something with […]
In light of yesterday’s startling revelation about the $1.59 price tag on a Hershey’s bar, Bwog decided to do a little comparative shopping. The same Hershey bar can be purchased for just 75 cents at the kiosk on 116th and Broadway. In fact, while candy prices at 212 skyrocket upwards of $2 for Reese’s candy […]
This sign was spotted atop the muffin display case in Cafe 212. Coming soon: a crumpled piece of notebook paper tacked up next to the sandwich menu, reading, “Do u like me? Check box yes or no. Luv, Turkey.”
Bwog heard through the grapevine that some of the employees at 212 have asked familiar faces for a most unusual favor: to write Dining Services an e-mail requesting that the Chef’s-Hat-Required policy be nixed. We think this a worthy cause, and if you do too, shoot the Dining mandarins an e-mail at It’ll take […]
In the very public Cafe 212: Girl A: Can you even get a urinary tract infection from rough sex? Girl B: I think so, if you don’t clean yourself up afterward. And in Tasti D-Lite, dessert-prime time: Girl C: (said with a certain amount of disgust) She’s going to an Ivy Singles Ball. Girl D: […]
Overheard outside Cafe 212: Girl speaking passionately to 2 guys: …It’s not that. It’s that I hate the Varsity Show, I hate everyone involved with it, and I hate it as an institution. Apparently, not everyone finds Zach Bendiner wearing a wig and make-up as funny as Bwog does.
At about 12:45, all 70+ students lunching in a packed Cafe 212 were treated to a soaring gospel rendition over the loudspeakers of “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” a favorite with Sunday Schools the world over. Basically, the only words are a repeated loop of “yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.” Probably […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025