CCSC gets down to business, but is still riding high from that Homecoming win. Football-averse Bwogger Nadra Rahman is here with the scoop, including the latest updates on the GWC unionization saga. The meeting began with a rousing round of applause, honoring the Lions’ implausible, gratifying victory in their Homecoming game this weekend. After the “5-0” […]
If you missed CCSC’s latest gathering at the Satow Room (and who can blame you), let Monday maven Nadra Rahman catch you up on the latest resolutions, appointments, and comparisons to totalitarian regimes. Last night’s CCSC meeting focused more on collecting ideas than taking action, but the pause was necessary. Elections If you missed them, fall […]
Sunday nights are always a good time with the CCSC crew – last night was no different. Bwogger Nadia Rahman reports back from the Satow Room on CCSC happenings, from dinner to elections. Last night’s CCSC meeting (the second of the year) was dominated by logistical concerns, snappy retorts, and our favorite topic—bylaw review. If […]
We know. It was reading week, now it’s finals and summer and graduation are just a few hours away. You don’t want to hear about weird quorum rules and comma splices, you want to leave! But for incoming first-years, this isn’t the last day of spring semester – it’s one day closer to starting school […]
CCSC barely managed to cling to a quorum but still got hectic. For the last time this academic year, Monday marionette Nadra Rahman reports from the Satow Room. Read on for details on a new International Students Rep and travel fund for CC students. The final meeting of CCSC was unexpectedly empty and blissfully, only […]
We all know that season. The season of CCSC campaigning. We’ve all seen the Facebook posts, the blatant lies they tell. We put up with it. But what annoys us the most? Bwog Staffer Gabrielle Kloppers is here to complain. I could deal with the Facebook posts, constantly popping up in my notifications as someone […]
Another Sunday night, another four hour meeting. If you couldn’t make it to CCSC last night (and who can blame you), here are the pertinent details from the slogfest, courtesy of Monday meme Nadra Rahman. Every spring we look forward to un-tarped lawns, eau de mulch in the air, and…constitutional review? This year, CCSC’s constitutional […]
Finally, after endless Facebook posts and candidates sliding into your DMs, the Spring 2017 CCSC Election has ended, and here are the results: Senate: Omar Khan Executive Board: President: Nathan Rosin (Alliance) VP of Policy: Nicole Allicock (Alliance) VP of Finance: Adam Resheff (Low Beach Party) VP of Communications: Sreya Pinnamaneni (Alliance) VP of Campus Life: […]
It’s that time of the year again…election season. Supplement the endless Facebook posts and professionally-shot posters with this edition of Night In the Life, the tale of a profoundly competent and selfless CCSC candidate. 9:34 pm Messaging my hookup from last week to endorse me on Facebook—gotta work those connections. 9:42 pm Blocking them after […]
April is in full bloom! While we’re sneezing our guts up and counting down the days until summer, CC has been getting ready for another year of student council. Before voting begins, we would like to endorse the Grassroots Party: Ruben Rui Diaz-Pacheco, CC ’18, for President, Richard Nederlander, CC ’18, for Vice President of Policy, […]
Constitutional review: a dirty but necessary businesses. Get in the thick of it alongside Satow Room reporter Nadra Rahman and a few dedicated visitors from CUAD. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was knee-high in constitutional review last night, debating the elimination of current positions, the creation of new of new ones, and in general, […]
This past Wednesday, University Senator Sean Ryan, CC ’17, changed his Facebook profile picture to the publicity photo of an underclassman running for CCSC (see first image below). Although he changed his profile picture back, the initial change was a direct show of openly campaigning for a student running for student council. Campaigning by students who […]
Last night’s CCSC meeting was a merciful two hours, but a bit disjointed. Here are the latest deets from the Satow Room, courtesy of Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) had two things on its plate last night: the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) resolution on providing GS students with swipe […]
Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports from a tense and stuffy Satow Room on overflow rooms, fascist symbols, anti-Semitism, “democracy and discourse,” a “painfully white” student council, and more, as CUAD pushes to include a question on the ballot for the upcoming student council elections. Last night’s meeting of the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was […]
Good morning, Columbia! Will this be the week? Has spring finally sprung? We sure hope so. One more day of cold cloudy rain and I’ll be ready to move to Cabo. But until then, check out today’s Bwoglines. Happening in the nation: Violent weather is taking over the south right now—tornadoes, flooding, you name it. We’re […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025