Gwyneth Paltrow hates being normal almost as much as she hates gluten. (Time) How much is a passenger worth? Just under $200,000. (Sydney Morning Herald) You can’t trust the New York Times…again. Thanks, NSA! (Salon) Are you “unreservedly independent”? Perhaps you’re “bountifully pseudo-coupled.” Maybe even “graciously solitary”! How should you term your relationship? (Slate) Perfect beautiful […]
No one knows where Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is, but parliament says he’s guilty anyway. (NPR) Is Coldplay still relevant? (Hollywood Reporter) Hide yo kids, hide yo wife: this Supreme Court decision will make it that much easier for the police to search your house/apartment/studio/hovel. (NPR) Speaking of kids, they’re getting less fat. Woohoo! (NY […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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