Did you know Howard Dean (now with newfound relevance!) is coming to campus this afternoon? If you missed your opportunity to register, fear not Deaniac of yore, there’s still chance to hear the Governor speak. A line for the waitlisted (and those wishing to join the waitlist) will form outside of Low at 4 PM. […]
A reminder to register to see everyone’s favorite worst presidential candidate Howard Dean on Monday, February 25th. College Dems say the event is filling up quickly, so register by sending an email to dean@cudemocrats.com with your name, class year, and school. Yipee!
Hey all you former Deaniacs–Howard‘s coming to campus! The College Dems have landed a speaking engagement with the presidential-candidate-turned- party boss for “January or February.” Speakers coordinator Nate Morgante, CC ’09, wasn’t sure exactly when Dean would be rolling in, but a go-ahead from the DNC made him confident enough to spill the beans anyway. […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis is finally back from Kentucky, with one last report. LOUISVILLE, Ky.–The day Kentucky democrats had been awaiting for over four years dawned bright and cold. A poll the night before had their candidate up 29 points, with most other ticket members leading by similar margins. But election day is about bodies–on […]
Lydia DePillis is on her last day in Kentucky, following the CU Dems’ final hours on the trail. SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE LEXINGTON, Ky.–Judging by appearances at the Blue Grass Airport this evening, Columbia students are an extremely odd bunch. Perhaps it was the frustrating afternoon spreading literature in areas that had already been covered, before a […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis is in Kentucky, trying life on the other side. FRANKFORT, Ky.–Another door, another vote, another Advil. According to Dems organizers, we may be hitting the entirety of Beshear’s base in this 27,000-person town, and it felt like it –canvassers were assigned large suburban districts and sent out in two-person teams, rather […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis is still in Kentucky, posting from coffeeshops. FRANKFORT, Ky.–The Columbia cavalcade awoke at a reasonable hour this morning, shaking off the remnants of last night’s indiscretions (I don’t feel the need to recount them here). The Louisville visit went well, if you count driving an hour both ways to awkwardly mingle […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis is still in Kentucky, where she’s misplaced her camera cord–pictures are going to have to wait until the morning. The Columbia Dems are Beshear’s shock troops. Not that anyone’s shocked to see them–most residents in contested districts have encountered eager young campaign workers before. But it’s a cool name anyway. The […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis is still in Kentucky, along with Brit Spec reporter Josh Chambers, who’s blogging here. “Ten?” “Um, Eleven.” “Oh, yeah, eleven.” Honks, that is. Such began the morning, at 8:00 AM, with the entire Columbia contingent lining S. Broadway St. shivering almost as violently as they were waving their signs–almost everyone had […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis hitched a ride with the College Democrats on their annual campaign trip. Her dispatches follow, wireless permitting. LEXINGTON, Ky.–We’ve touched down in the South, and my minivan might as well have been a spaceship for the distance I feel like we’ve traveled in the last 18 hours. The sun rose and […]
Bwog editor Lydia DePillis hitched a ride with the Columbia Democrats this weekend on their annual fall campaign trip. Over the next few days, she’ll be filing dispatches from the trail, wireless permitting. LEXINGTON, Ky.–I’m not sure why I woke up at 5:40 AM this morning, evidently without my alarm. I catapulted out of bed, […]
It’s their first major activist event of the year and Columbia Dems, in an effort to increase funding for children’s healthcare, are taking advantage of the famous Price is Right gag now that Bob Barker has retired. Bwog had newbie reporter Justin Vlasits see the spectacle. This afternoon at the Sundial, the Dems brought out […]
Bwog believes that you should absolutely judge a group by its flyers, and with recruitment posters blanketing campus, there are a lot of pre-judgments to make. But even if you’re not considering joining any, you can at least appreciate what they say about the state of national politics, and how the clubs themselves are doing. […]
Far be it from us to shill for the Columbia Dems, but they did have some big news this weekend–the national College Democrats of America named them Chapter of the Year, beating out George Washington (which has its eyes on the prize for next year). To land the accolade, they put together a slick little […]
Last week, a posse of Columbia Dems converged on Washington D.C. (or, more likely, got the day off from their congressional internships) to talk with legislators about New Orleans. Unfortunately, Bwog was unable to send a correpondent, so we abandoned our standards of independent journalism and asked Dems media guy Jonathan Backer to send an […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024