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Posts Tagged with "games"

Because you can never get enough obscure dining hall comparisons.

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Sometimes paying attention in class feels nearly impossible without something to fidget with. Sometimes paying attention is not the goal at all. Either way, here are our favorite games to play during that never-ending Zoom lecture.

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From 12 to 2 pm, head to the Lerner Piano Lounge for Midterms Study Break—Serious Games, a stress break with free sushi, music, and “pwn-ware” procured from the depths of JJ’s Place. Expect board games and Gamecubes, and maybe even a foosball table. Also, “ambient-dance worthy music.”

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Let The Games Begin!

Barnard students just received an e-mail announcing the resurrection of Greek Games, one of “its oldest and most beloved traditions.” An contest of “beauty, myth and rhythm” whose events included chariot and torch racing and literary competitions, the Games have not been held since annually since 1968, although they have been sporadically revived a handful […]

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Monopoly players looking for a more serious game have been meeting three times a week at Cosi, on Broadway at 78th Street, for three years running. Claire Sabel, Bwog’s intrepid Advanced Board Games Correspondent, and a friend RSVP’d to their online invitation and joined the ongoing tournament earlier this week. We arrived at seven, and […]

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Match the quote to the speaker.  To give you a break from problem sets, it should be pretty easy, but answers after the jump anyway.  Good luck! Quotes Speakers “[I]t was like a national day of protest.  There was a counterculture dimension to it.” Roberta Balstad, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions “…hardly principles on […]

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That new weird cubical cafe between Journalism and Furnald has opened, and it’s kind of sterile-looking, just like our initial impressions led us to believe! See if you can tell the difference between photos of the new Toni Stabile Student Center and random stills from the Sims. Answers after the jump. A. 

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The young at heart (and the fearless of motion-sickness) take note: There are currently two moon-bounces—one features two basketball hoops and basketballs for competitive gamesmanship—stationed on Low. (There is also a dunking tank for the masochistic.) The Anti-Iraq War Demonstration Bell is still ringing strong, though its sounds are slightly muffled by the screams of […]

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For those of you who simply cannot wait for Assassins, on October 11th, SEAS is organizing a giant game on Manhunt throughout the entire campus. Registration is online, natch. That should satisfy any competitive blood-lust until spring.

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It’s their first major activist event of the year and Columbia Dems, in an effort to increase funding for children’s healthcare, are taking advantage of the famous Price is Right gag now that Bob Barker has retired. Bwog had newbie reporter Justin Vlasits see the spectacle. This afternoon at the Sundial, the Dems brought out […]

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An anonymous tipster reports everyone’s favorite FYSAAC adviser Jay Orenduff is giving out Christmas lottery tickets to students who come by to see him. Maybe you’ll strike it big — the odds are you’ll win the jackpot before you get into that senior seminar.

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Thank God for the Philolexian Society, purveyor of pretension and producer of a nifty new little publication called Surgam, for lifting this den of philistines into the light of high-minded pursuits! A goodly group of young ladies and gents stepped out in their best Victorian finery to take the air this afternoon while engaging in […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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